Everything Old Is New Again

by Kieran Healy on July 1, 2008

Consider the following piece in the Daily Telegraph, which may begin making the rounds:

Scientists find ‘law of war’ that predicts attacks: Scientists believe they may have glimpsed a “law of war” that can be used to predict the likelihood of attacks in modern conflicts, from conventional battles to global terrorism. … The European Consortium For Mathematics in Industry was told today that an international team has developed a physics-based theory describing the dynamics of insurgent group formation and attacks, which neatly explains the universal patterns observed in all modern wars and terrorism. The team is advising the United Nations, the Pentagon and Iraq. …

Most remarkable, “or the case of modern insurgent conflicts, our results are in close agreement with observed casualty data.” “What we found was really quite startling,” said Prof Johnson. “Although wars are the antithesis of an ordered system, the datapoints for each war fell neatly on to a straight line.” The line meant they obeyed what scientists call a power law. The “power laws” describe mathematical relationships between the frequency of large and small events.

This finding is remarkable given the different conditions, locations and durations of these separate wars. For example, the Iraq war is being fought in the desert and cities and is fairly recent, while the twenty-year old Colombian war is being fought in mountainous jungle regions against a back-drop of drug-trafficking and Mafia activity. This came as a shock, said the team, since the last thing one would expect to find within the chaos of a warzone are mathematical patterns. …

“We can use the power-law distribution to accurately predict the likelihood of different sized attacks occurring on any given day. This is useful for military planning and allocating resources to hospitals. .. “The fact that the power-law distribution seems to be constant across all long-term modern wars suggests that the insurgencies have evolved to find an ideal solution to the problem of how to fight a stronger force. … “Unless this structure is changed then the cycle of violence in places like Iraq will continue,” said Dr Gourley.” We have used this analysis to advise the Pentagon, the Iraqi government and the United Nations.”

This one has all the ingredients: a few economists, some physicists, a couple of papers on arxiv, power laws, media coverage, and of course the thrilling sense that no-one has noticed anything like this before. Except, of course, they have.

I’m by no means a scholar of this stuff, but even I know that this isn’t such a new idea. The classic analysis of the relationship between the severity and frequency of wars is in the work of Lewis F. Richardson, which dates from the mid-twentieth century. More recently there is Lars-Erik Cederman’s 2003 APSR paper Modeling the Size of Wars: From Billiard Balls to Sandpiles, which tries to theorize the regularity that Richardson discovered. In between there’s a fair bit more, including some work by the great Anatol Rapoport (reading his work is how I know about the other stuff). Here’s a clipping from a discussion of his from 1957:

Classic (and counter-intuitive) findings from the sociology of military conflict about the proportion of soldiers in armies who see action, get injured or killed, or even fire their weapons on the battlefield, are also relevant here on the micro-side. Randy Collins discusses some of this work in his recent book, Violence.

To be fair, the papers by Johnson, Spagat et al. do at least cite the Richardson and Cederman papers, though (in their first paper) all at once and for a single, short sentence. The substance of the paper is quite interesting, too, so far as I can tell as a non-expert. Their innovation is to collect, as best they can, data on the distribution of casualties and violent events within conflicts in addition to the distribution of total casualties for a population of wars, and try to model that. Their finding that the observed distributions seem to follow a power-law should by now be unsurprising, though I’ll leave it to others to discuss whether any roughly straight line on a log-log scale can be said to be evidence of this kind of distribution.

What irks in these cases is the seeming disregard for existing research, the avoidance of a distribution channel where reviewers might make one aware of that research, and the presence of a decent PR division and journalists who like to write stories about how the boffins are discovering amazing, new, never-before-seen truths about society. The goal of science is not to pay homage to only slightly relevant work from the past in a ritualistic lit review; but nevertheless the principle of giving credit where credit’s due is supposed to be a core incentive for doing scientific research in the first place. Leveraging the broader social legitimacy of one’s discipline (physics is real science; economics is the physics of social science) in order to effectively short-circuit that process seems wrong to me, especially when it’s clear that there’s something important to be learned from the poor relations (and someone to be credited). Though I can see why it keeps happening, given that some good publicity is at stake and digging into the literature might take some of the shine off of your own paper.



rageahol 07.01.08 at 8:19 pm

“economics is the physics of social science”

wow. i always thought of economics as the astrology of social science.


bdbd 07.01.08 at 8:25 pm

economics is to the economy as physics is to baseball


MSS 07.01.08 at 8:36 pm

“economics is the physics of social science”

Well, rageahol’s retort is far more amusing than mine. But if you want to see physics-like laws in social science, don’t look in economics. See the life’s work this year’s Skytte Prize winner.

(Full disclosure: He was my grad adviser more years ago than I care to note.)


Joe S. 07.01.08 at 8:37 pm

“economics is the physics of social science”

Economics is physics envy.


Jeff 07.01.08 at 8:43 pm

Might economics be the eugenics of social science?


Mike Maltz 07.01.08 at 8:51 pm

Operations researchers, especially those who do military operations research, have known about these power laws for about a century. The Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) awards an annual Lanchester Prze, in honor of Frederick Lanchester, who “[d]uring World War I … was particularily interested in predicting the outcome of aerial battles. In 1916 he published Aviation in Warfare: The Dawn of the Fourth Arm, which included a description of a series of differential equations that are today known as Lanchester’s Power Laws. The Laws described how two forces would attrit each other in combat.”

Moreover, the relationship between two antagonists is perforce bounded: if one party is very much stronger than the other, war is unnecessary.


Mike Maltz 07.01.08 at 8:53 pm

To the moderator: stick an “i” in Prize!!


Kieran 07.01.08 at 8:58 pm

I think eugenics is the eugenics of the social sciences.


franck 07.01.08 at 9:12 pm

As a physicist, I am offended by your comparison. Physics is far more successful at describing and predicting events in its subject matter than economics ever will be. It also rests on far better foundations.

I don’t think economists even have the same personality profiles as physicists, actually. It’s not a good comparison.


M. Townes 07.01.08 at 9:29 pm

I am by all means a scholar on this stuff – namely, a doctoral student in Int’l Politics. Richardson’s Law is the crux of my dissertation research. (In fact, just to be clear, I recognize the clipping as one of Richardson’s graphs – not Rapaport, as one might infer.) There are at least a half dozen other social scientist researching this stuff, including Cederman, who runs a shop at ETH-Zurich. A few are doing the kind of incident level data that seems to be such a big deal here.

I would love love love to see the research behind the Telegraph piece. It is not the least bit surprising that the authors didn’t bother to look up any other research on the topic. Turcotte and Roberts were also physicists (as I recall) and did pretty much the same thing in 1998, arriving at the conclusion that wars = forest fires, QED. Unfortunately for social and physical scientists, it’s not at all clear what inferences or predictions you can make from these sorts of power laws.

I’ll end on a frivolous, slightly bitter note by saying how great it is that the Pentagon is interested in this stuff, given that I can tell them everything they need to know for exactly $2.70 in bus fare, round trip. They no longer have to waste taxpayer money outsourcing the job to fancy-pants Brits; I am literally right down the street.


abb1 07.01.08 at 10:03 pm

We can use the power-law distribution to accurately predict the likelihood of different sized attacks occurring on any given day.

Bullshit. My physics-based scientific hypothesis is that these fellas lost a few millions trying to predict stock market fluctuation “occurring on any given day” and are now trying to get their money back by bullshitting nabobs at the DOD. And it’ll probably work too.


tom s. 07.01.08 at 10:13 pm

We can use the power-law distribution to accurately predict the likelihood of different sized attacks occurring on any given day.

… as long as that day has already passed.


Matt McIrvin 07.01.08 at 11:11 pm

Carl Sagan talked about Richardson in the TV series and book Cosmos, so most American nerds of a certain age shouldn’t find this stuff novel.


Righteous Bubba 07.02.08 at 1:05 am

The Pentagon’s spent money on psychics, why not economists?


vivian 07.02.08 at 1:25 am

Wow, this really upset me, until I got to comment number 1, with number 5 as a lovely coda.


derrida derider 07.02.08 at 1:27 am

Yawn. Researchers talk up their story to the Uni’s PR guy, who talks it up further to a journalist, who talks it up even further to sensationalise it. Nothing to see here folks.

There are very few economists these days who think their subject is physics-like. The high tide of that sort of modernism was in the 60s and 70s, and it wasn’t a very high tide even then. It’s mainly a meme put about by non-economists.


Kieran Healy 07.02.08 at 1:47 am

There are very few economists these days who think their subject is physics-like.

True. These days they’re more likely to be doing bad sociology instead of bad physics.


Jon H 07.02.08 at 2:37 am

I love that they use ‘quarrels’ and ‘quarrel-dead’.


David Kane 07.02.08 at 2:45 am

In case anyone cares, (some of) these authors are also the fellows behind Main Street Bias (i.e., criticism of the second Lancet Iraq mortality survey). Not that there is anything wrong with that!

By the way, they cite Richardson in the very first sentence of the paper as so: “In two celebrated papers3,4 Lewis Richardson showed that war casualties . . .” Is that what Kieran means by the phrase “at least cite the Richardson” paper? There is a difference between referencing previous work in the middle of your paper [i.e., what Kieran’s description made me think they did] and leading off with words like “celebrated.”

What more would Kieran have then do? Put it in bold? When was the last time that Kieran cited an author using his full name in the opening sentence of a paper, much less included an adjective like “celebrated?”


Dan Simon 07.02.08 at 3:08 am

What irks in these cases is the seeming disregard for existing research, the avoidance of a distribution channel where reviewers might make one aware of that research, and the presence of a decent PR division and journalists who like to write stories about how the boffins are discovering amazing, new, never-before-seen truths

These are rare enough in your field to be irksome? If I were you, I’d count my blessings. In my (former) research disciplines, these would be described as “Research Career Secrets of the Stars”…


Barry 07.02.08 at 3:12 am

WARNING: David Kane is a Lancet denier; he’s had many, many, many run-ins with Tim Lambert on Deltoid.


Kieran Healy 07.02.08 at 3:12 am

What more would Kieran have then do?

The point is not just to cite the beginning of a research program and then jump over everything else. So, I would have them engage with the subsequent literature, together with submission to a relevant peer-reviewed journal.

The usual schtick in these cases, though, is to gesture toward a classic from fifty years ago, skip over the inconvenient intervening literature, and present oneself as picking up the early thread. You see this all the time in the networks literature, with cites to Milgram (1966), Granovetter (1973) and then Me (2006). For the present case, consider, by way of contrast, a paper with a very similar finding that does its job rather better — Clauset et al, 2007.


Aulus Gellius 07.02.08 at 3:16 am

19: The point isn’t just to acknowledge and offer respect to previous scholars, so the sufficiency of a reference doesn’t depend on how many complimentary adjectives you use. I think Kieran’s complaint is that they don’t go into detail about the relationship between their findings and previous findings, noting specific places where the differences and similarities are notable, or where it might be worthwhile to combine their own results with those of previous scholars. That’s the point of such references, and, indeed, sort of why scholars bother to write down their results. So no, even if they had said, on the first page, “In two celebrated, respected, remarkable, wondrous, delightful papers,” that wouldn’t really have helped.


Aulus Gellius 07.02.08 at 3:18 am

Or, perhaps, Kieran’s own explanation of what he meant is better than mine. Maybe.


va 07.02.08 at 3:20 am

Also, this sort of predictability is basically the premise of Gravity’s Rainbow. Which is, what, the alchemy of literature?


Tim Lambert 07.02.08 at 3:20 am

In this post I deploy the “devastating critique” against Johnson et al’s power law.


notsneaky 07.02.08 at 6:39 am

Interesting post. Many predictable and boring comments. How original is #1? What’s next? Something about Ptolemy and Copernicus? Please, if you’re gonna kick economics around at least do so with a modicum of originality. Come up with some new misleading metaphors and freshly false analogies. Where’s John Emerson when you need him?


John Quiggin 07.02.08 at 7:14 am

In the interests of economistic professional honour, can I point out that the power law idea started with Pareto on income distribution in 1897, and that by the 1950s, economists were working out theoretical models of stochastic processes that produced such distributions (for example, Simon and Bonini on firm size in 1958).

Given the addiction to power laws in particular, it’s also worth pointing out, as shown by Simon and Bonini that equally plausible processes give you lognormal and other distributions that can look a lot like power laws when you plot them on log graph paper and don’t have much info on the tails.


Kieran Healy 07.02.08 at 12:53 pm

In the interests of economistic professional honour, can I point out that the power law idea started with Pareto

That would be the well-known sociologist Vilfredo Pareto, author of Trattato di Sociologia Generale ;)


Robert 07.02.08 at 12:57 pm

One of my problems is that economists who lie do not therefore face hurdles to professional advancement. Mainstream textbooks are full of falsehoods, and the American Economic Association, as I understand it, has no code of ethics.


Peter 07.02.08 at 1:13 pm

#30: “Mainstream textbooks are full of falsehoods, and the American Economic Association, as I understand it, has no code of ethics.”

George Stigler, a former President of the AEA, argued that economic theories are just like any other good: demand creates its own supply. Who, in a capitalist economy, desires economic theories and has the money to pay for them? Why large corporations and right-leaning governments, of course. Is it any surprise, then, that the the overwhelming preponderence of economic theories (and economists) in our society favour capitalist and right-leaning analyses and solutions to problems?


lemuel pitkin 07.02.08 at 2:43 pm

So what are the alternatives to a power-law distribution? And how strong are the tests for distinguishing them?


Classic (and counter-intuitive) findings from the sociology of military conflict about the proportion of soldiers in armies who see action, get injured or killed, or even fire their weapons on the battlefield, are also relevant here

Sounds interesting. Which findings are those?


derek 07.02.08 at 2:48 pm

Asteroids come in all kinds of sizes, so you can use a power law to predict when one is going to land on your head!


Picador 07.02.08 at 3:02 pm

<iThere are very few economists these days who think their subject is physics-like. The high tide of that sort of modernism was in the 60s and 70s, and it wasn’t a very high tide even then. It’s mainly a meme put about by non-economists.

Yes, and many of those non-economists teach Law and Economics courses at American law schools. Thus are corporate lawyers, judges, and the next generation of law school profesors imbued with absurd economic understandings.


Picador 07.02.08 at 3:07 pm

Er, somehow I managed to cut off the following italicized quotation from the beginning of my last comment:

There are very few economists these days who think their subject is physics-like. The high tide of that sort of modernism was in the 60s and 70s, and it wasn’t a very high tide even then. It’s mainly a meme put about by non-economists.


cosma 07.02.08 at 4:07 pm

lemuel pitkin @32:

So what are the alternatives to a power-law distribution? And how strong are the tests for distinguishing them?

I’m glad you asked those questions. (Well, you did.)


Walt 07.02.08 at 4:28 pm

The mere mention of power laws summons him. My association between power laws and Cosma is so strong that I’m pretty sure if I ever met someone who fit some data with a power law that I would say, in a shocked tone of voice, “But Cosma says that’s bad.”


Henry 07.02.08 at 5:16 pm

by the 1950s, economists were working out theoretical models of stochastic processes that produced such distributions (for example, Simon and Bonini on firm size in 1958).

That would be Herbert Simon (Ph.D., University of Chicago Department of Political Science, 1943) I presume (I think that we are beginning to see a pattern ;) )


SG 07.02.08 at 6:49 pm

They’re spruiking for their own CERAC data, right? Interestingly, the data they use for Iraq is based on 2 passive surveillance sets (including IBC!!!!!!!), and the US military. So not only does it contain a huge undercount of the number of civilian dead, but the undercount varies over time (as journalists were killed or driven out of Iraq) AND (most importantly) is heavily biassed against small or insignificant events. The authors don’t even mention this drawback of the IBC data, preferring to note that it includes a lot of homicides (gee, I wonder why?) which they exclude, and it only covers civilians. They don’t even mention that there are 3 other studies (hint hint) which serve to cast just a small amount of doubt on the IBC figures.

The BMJ has an article this month pointing out the extent to which passive surveillance systems fail, but the CERAC mob are going to avoid this issue like the plague because they don’t want to use data they have to collect themselves. So they use their dodgy surveillance data here, and pretend they’ve found a power law in Iraq even though there is a differential bias against a multitude of small events being reported.

These people are cowboys.


SG 07.02.08 at 7:04 pm

For example, in appendix 4, page 55-56 they list deaths they excluded from the IBC database, because they might be “criminal rather than conflict”. There are 484 deaths in karbala over a 1 year period which they exclude because for this reason. But on page 37 they tell us the pre-war murder rate in karbala was 4 per month (no reference, of course) so we should expect 48 murders over the time period. They would have us believe the murder rate increased by a factor of 10 in Karbala, but none of these random, low-level events were related to the conflict. They have excluded a total of 13000 deaths, which they themselves expect to have been entirely caused in low-frequency (criminal) events from their analysis, knowing full well that it is in the low-intensity tail of a power law that inaccurate estimation can occur. I wonder if this might have skewed their results?

(And these are the same people who, though they have identified a 10-fold increase in murder in 1 town in Iraq, would have us believe that the lancet figures are wrong…)


David Kane 07.02.08 at 8:08 pm

Kieran writes, reasonably enough:

The point is not just to cite the beginning of a research program and then jump over everything else. So, I would have them engage with the subsequent literature, together with submission to a relevant peer-reviewed journal.

1) Who could be against engagement with the literature? Not I! This issue is one on constraints and priorities. Consider the first paper Kieran links to. It is 10 pages long, plus supplementary materials. But the first page is the abstract, the last page references and the figures take up around 3 pages. So, there are 5 pages left for everything else. How much space does Kieran expect them to devote to “engag[ing] with the subsequent literature?” By my count, they give it about 1/2 a page or 10% of the space. Isn’t that reasonable? They provide 10 references. Are there any that Kieran objects to? Any that he would remove and replace with something else?

2) Does Kieran not think that they will soon be submitting (or already have) to a peer-reviewed journal? They are academics! Of course this will be (or has been) submitted. Presumably Kieran insists on the right to determine what is a “relevant” journal. Perhaps some guidance is in order. It is the editors job to determine which articles are “relevant” to her journal, not Kieran’s. I suppose that if this article is published in some physics journal, Kieran will object while if the exact same article appeared in, say, American Political Science Review, that would be fine. But why? Isn’t the editor of the physics journal as qualified as Kieran to decide what is relevant for her journal?

I think that many/most of the points that Cosma makes on this topic are spot on in general and, perhaps, with regard to this article as well. I have not dived into the details. But neither, it seems, has Kieran! He just seems to assert that anytime anyone other than a political scientist or sociologist writes on war or writes in a way that is different from the style/procedures used in these fields, there is something wrong. There may be! But Kieran needs to make that case, not just assert it.

Kieran closes with:

What irks in these cases is the seeming disregard for existing research, the avoidance of a distribution channel where reviewers might make one aware of that research, and the presence of a decent PR division and journalists who like to write stories about how the boffins are discovering amazing, new, never-before-seen truths about society.

Kieran has no meaningful evidence that these authors demonstrate a “disregard for existing research” given the space constraints they face. Indeed, he seems to (mostly) agree with them on what the most important references are!


SG 07.02.08 at 8:37 pm

No meaningful evidence, Kane? They don’t reference a source for their figures on the pre-war murder rate or death rate in Iraq, they don’t reference any studies critical of the IBC data (and they don’t show any awareness of its flaws), and they don’t reference the well-established criticisms of passive surveillance systems in general.

Also, the “quote” you give in your previous comment does not exist in the paper that Kieran links to. They don’t mention Richardson by name, the first sentence of the paper is about 9/11, and the references to Richardson et al are buried as superscripts “1-4” in this sentence on page 2:

Previous studies have shown that the distribution obtained from ‘old’ wars, 1816-1980, exhibits a power-law with α=1.809

I don’t know where you got your quote from, but it isn’t in the paper linked to here. Time for you to break out some italics and start obfuscating, David.


SG 07.02.08 at 10:11 pm

The trick these people are pulling is patently obvious too. They have a model of self-organised cells for insurgent activity (it even has stupid pictures!) which they want to test against experimental evidence, and they need to find it fits the experimental evidence because their business (CERAC) will be boosted by such an achievement. But their model patently and obviously ignores the possibility that a large portion of deaths in one or both of their sample countries are caused by death squads, either because that’s too simple or it doesn’t suit their ideological agenda.

In the case of Iraq, they have excluded 13000 observations which support the death squad model. And these aren’t insignificant in the scheme of things – they themselves claim that there are 3333 events in the time period under consideration, but they admit that these 13000 excluded observations are from “low intensity” events (which the authors claim are criminal). So the 13000 excluded deaths correspond with anywhere between 3000 and 9000 events, all at the low-intensity, high frequency end of the spectrum.

Including the data would bollocks up the fit of their theoretical model, therefore bollocksing up their claim to be intelligent observers of conflict and infinitesimally reducing the seriousness of their thinktank.

And Abb1 was right on the money – their model is straight out of finance maths.


John Quiggin 07.03.08 at 12:01 am

The classic finding I recall is that most soldiers don’t fire their weapons. Has that stood up to subsequent tests?


David Kane 07.03.08 at 1:49 am

SG writes:

I don’t know where you got your quote from, but it isn’t in the paper linked to here. Time for you to break out some italics and start obfuscating, David.

Please read Kieran’s post.

This one has all the ingredients: a few economists, some physicists, a couple of papers on arxiv, power laws …

He links to two papers. I was quoting from the first one. The part of post #41 when I write, “the first paper Kieran links to” should have clued you in to this. Perhaps not. Would italics have helped?

And, again, if you read what Kieran wrote, you would understand that “disregard for existing research” has nothing to do with research on Iraq. Kieran is talking about research in political science, sociology and so on about the general topic, not about Iraq (or Columbia) in particular.


David Kane 07.03.08 at 2:36 am

John Quiggin asks:

The classic finding I recall is that most soldiers don’t fire their weapons. Has that stood up to subsequent tests?

The canonical citation for this claim is SLA Marshall in Men Against Fire. See page 50 or search for “well-trained.” Marshall gives an estimate of 25%.

English in On Infantry provides a footnote on page 154 which, after citing Marshall, claims that “The figure may even be as low as 15%.” (Note that the link I provide is to the revised edition. Being an old Marine, I have the original, published in 1984.) I can’t find the same claim in this (1994) version.

Alas, I don’t know the literature but this seemed relevant.

Thus the evidence shows that the vast majority of combatants throughout history, at the moment of truth when they could and should kill the enemy, have found themselves to be “conscientious objectors”—yet there seems to be a conspiracy of silence on this subject. In his book War on the Mind, Peter Watson observes that Marshall’s findings have been largely ignored by academia and the fields of psychiatry and psychology.

But they were very much taken to heart by the U.S. Army, and a number of training measures were instituted as a result of Marshall’s suggestions. According to studies by the U.S. military, these changes resulted in a firing rate of 55 percent in Korea and 90 to 95 percent in Vietnam. Some modern soldiers use the disparity between the firing rates of World War II and Vietnam to claim that S.L.A. Marshall had to be wrong, for the average military leader has a hard time believing that any significant body of his soldiers will not do its job in combat. But these doubters don’t give sufficient credit to the revolutionary corrective measures and training methods introduced over the past half century.

Then again, there is some evidence that Marshall is wrong, even about WW II. The Washington Post claims that “Since at least World War II, studies purporting to explore how readily troops pulled the trigger — S.L.A. Marshall’s “Men Against Fire,” for example — have aroused controversy and been scored as anecdotal.”

Perhaps there is a military historian in the CT community who can clear this up.


SG 07.03.08 at 5:19 am

David, the second paper says on its very first page that it is an update of the first paper. You know, the bit in bold in the box beneath the abstract. In their revision the authors have removed all their glowing references to prior work, presumably because they feel they are doing such a better job of it.

Clearly you think that “disregard for existing research” should be taken to have a special meaning of sociology only – after all, you yourself have shown a flagrant disregard for existing research into relative risks and mortality rates, but it didn’t exactly stop you in the past did it?

This research is ignorant and mendacious, just like their last “research” (which also replicated existing work without proper recognition). Ignorant and mendacious research, David – what a surprise to find you supporting something like that!!

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