For the (numerous) PG Wodehouse fans at CT, here’s a link to the first episode of Marcy Kahan’s dramatisation of Psmith in the City. It’s excellent: Kahan captures the feel of the text, without making it too wordy or quaint. And timely too (though I doubt there are many people currently in the City or on Wall Street who are starting work at 10, clocking off at 5, and feeling oppressed by such barbaric work hours).
Dave (the one who dissed Yeats a while back) 09.24.08 at 7:58 pm
Hat tip Harry. However, you’re wrong about some of them not feeling agrieved by their working hours; but right about them not feeling agieved by a 10 ’til 5.
karen marie 09.25.08 at 4:27 pm
yay, wodehouse!
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