Time for a Tiger

by Kieran Healy on April 29, 2005

While the sun was setting this evening, I drove up to the “Catalina foothills.”:http://www.boulder.swri.edu/~durda/snow.html Tucson’s sunsets are the kind that are “so rich and colorful”:http://www.hereintucson.com/wallpaper.htm that you think photographs of them have been photoshopped. Just beautiful. Anyway, on the way back I stopped at the local “swanky mall”:http://www.tucsonattractions.com/encantada.htm (I think the proper marketing-speak is “upscale”), which is home to an Apple Store. I bought “Tiger”:http://www.apple.com/macosx/overview/. The shop was packed. They were handing out scratch-cards and I ended up winning an “iPod shuffle”:http://www.apple.com/ipodshuffle/, which was a nice surprise as I never win anything. Then I came home and while “Spotlight”:http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/spotlight/ was indexing my computer with metadata goodness, I put the kid to bed and made the first stage of a recipe for “croissants”:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croissant. (They take three days to make!) Then I finished a paper I was supposed to draft and now I’m having a beer. I imagine people like “John and Belle”:http://examinedlife.typepad.com/johnbelle/ go through life in this well-adapted manner all the time, but personally I’m still trying to figure out what was in my lunch this afternoon that caused all this to happen. Naturally I’m now warily waiting for the house to catch fire or the cat to explode or something, because things clearly need to balance out.

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Indigo Jo Blogs
04.30.05 at 9:44 am



Rahul Sinha 04.29.05 at 11:45 pm

Hi there,

I just got Tiger as well, what are your impressions?

I’m impressed, although if anyone is using a virtual desktop hack like Desktop Manager or Virtue, disable it, turn it off, and remove it from the list of programs that execute at startup before installing Tiger. (Trust me, the weird focus problems you run into otherwise are just too awful)

Luckily disabling those programs fix the problem.



tad brennan 04.30.05 at 7:57 am

*you* have a nice day, and the *cat* should suffer?

I thought you’d got past all that substitutionary atonement stuff from your disreputable youth.


djw 04.30.05 at 9:58 am

3 days for croissants? Try the recipe in Vol. 2 of _Mastering the Art of French Cooking_. It takes about 12 hours in elapsed time, but about ten minutes total work. It is tricky to figure out the right timing for fresh croissant in the morning, but manageable with only one wake-up in the small hours.


Alan Schussman 04.30.05 at 10:40 am

Way ahead of schedule, and a free Shuffle to boot. Congratulations.


Michigan 04.30.05 at 12:09 pm

I’m going to hold out for OS 10.5. Liger will be designed for its skills and magic.


Marcus 04.30.05 at 1:37 pm

Got mine through the Education section of the online Apple Store. I installed it late last night/early this morning, and things are fine – although the whole system seems a little more responsive. While I have a G4 iMac, I’m sure Tiger is really optimised for G5 Macs, so they should see an even bigger boost.


John Quiggin 04.30.05 at 3:36 pm

I had awful times with Jaguar, owing to a conflict with Default Folder, so I’ve taken to waiting a few days to see what problems are reported, but it sounds like the water’s fine.


almostinfamous 04.30.05 at 5:24 pm

j.q, wade right in. tiger has been non-vicious so far.

btw, i thought liger was 10.9?


nick 04.30.05 at 5:54 pm

Default Folder has already released a Tiger-friendly upgrade. Though you may not actually need it thanks to the addition of Spotlight to open/save file dialogs: the feature which really made my day.

I had problems with the iPhoto keyword plugin and the GPGMail plugin for Mail.app. That’s all.


Thlayli 04.30.05 at 10:28 pm

I won a free song from ITMS. I thought about getting “Eye of the Tiger” in tribute, but I ended up getting “Common People”.


tina 05.02.05 at 12:42 pm

Congratulations, Kieran! Will you be dancing in silhouette from now on?


anonymous 05.02.05 at 2:24 pm

You are James Lileks and I claim my five pounds.

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