Ranking political theory journals

by Ingrid Robeyns on November 10, 2006

In many (most? all?) Universities, the research output of the staff is evaluated every couple of years (every 4 or 5 years, for example). This is also done at a more aggregate level, for example in country-wide Research Assessment Excercises. For such evaluations, an unavoidable question is: what determines quality, and how should we weigh publications of different quality levels? In order to simplify matters a little, let us just look at journal articles and not at books. One possibility is to make three categories of journals, A, B, and C, where A would give you double points compared with B, and B double of C. The difficult question then becomes: how should one decide which journals to classify in which group?

One possibility for evaluations in the social sciences is to look at Journal Impact Factors (JIF) as a proxy for journal quality (I am not saying that I support this approach, but this is what is used in some places, so it may be interesting to see how far one could get with this approach). A JIF of year X is the number of citations in year X to articles published in that journal in the past two years (X-1 and X-2) divided by the numer of articles published in that journal in year X. Journals with a JIF higher than a certain threshold, say 1, would then count as A-journals; other international English-language double blind peer reviewed journals which are in the international citation system (ISI) are B, and are taken to be acceptable journals. C is the rest category, which will include non-English journals or journals not in the citation indices.

For political theorists in a political science department, this “objective” way of measuring the “quality” of a journal creates problems, since, as far as I could find out, most political theory journals are not even in the social sciences citation indices and hence don’t have journal citation reports (I’m happy to be corrected if I am mistaken here). There are also other problems, such as the fact that for some disciplines there are many more journals with a high JIF – health and psychology journals, for example. One possible solution to these problems is to allow political theorists to propose to add journals that should be ranked in A (the top 25% of journals) and B (all other good/OK peer reviewed international journals), provided some good arguments can be given for their proposed classification.

Regular readers of CT will have a partial deja-vu: “Harry posted about a year ago on a related question”:https://crookedtimber.org/2005/10/04/journals-and-political-philosophy/. Since Harry’s question was about political philosophy rather than political theory, and about advice to graduate students rather than the ranking for Research Assessment Exercises, I’ll ask my question anyway: in the context of political science rather than philosophy departments, and for Universities not necessarily belonging to the Ivy league, which political theory journals should be in A and B, and why?



Thom Brooks 11.10.06 at 5:53 am

I think it’s a difficult question to answer. I would have thought—for political theorists and political philosophers—the main prizes are articles in Ethics or Philosophy & Public Affairs. Of course, folks in politics dept’s get excited about seeing papers in American Political Science Review and so on whereas philosophers might get more excited about Philosophical Review (or perhaps The Journal of Moral Philosophy….)

Ultimately I would say that great papers appear in a variety of places. Most may appear in the widely acknowledged top (such as P&PA), but excellent papers in political theory appear elsewhere. These journals are traditionally branded “political science” (i.e., APSR), “philosophy” (i.e., Phil Review), “law” (i.e., Legal Theory or OJLS), etc.


Matt 11.10.06 at 6:00 am

Some time ago Brian Weatherson ran a pretty nice ranking of philosophy journals in general. I’m not sure that you could just strip out the political philosophy journals from that overall ranking and have it come out okay but it might be a place to start. The ranking was pretty much done by philosophers and philosophy grad students, though, and we tend to veiw different journals as among the tops than do political theorist in poli sci/government departments, so that might also change things. Still, it’s worth a look.


ingrid 11.10.06 at 6:42 am

Thom, I agree that this is a very hard question, but some political theorists _have_ to answer this question if they want their work to be recognised as good resp. excellent in the political sience depts where they work…

Matt, I had a look at the Weatherson sruvey (which is linked to in one of the comments on Harry’s post) — but I don’t think it can serve as a useful starting point for political theorists rather than philosophers. For example, a political philosopher would be thrilled to have a paper accepted by the Journal of Philosophy, and a political theorist by the American Political Science Review, but not so much vice versa. I think that political theorists in political sciences departments need to construct their own lists (and most of us, i assume, have some rather explicit ranking in our heads, even if incomplete and perhaps not sufficiently well-considered…)


jayann 11.10.06 at 7:07 am

The Arts and Humanities Citation Index may cover them.


ingrid 11.10.06 at 7:15 am

jayann, yes, the journals themselves are in the AHCI. But as far as I could figure out, there are two journal citation reports indices – one for the sciences, and one for the social sciences. There does not seem to be one for the arts and humanities. If this is true, than the JIFs-method does not work to include those political theory journals which may well be in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index, but not in the Social Sciences Citation Index and hence not in the Journal Citation Reports Social Sciences Edition.


Jacob T. Levy 11.10.06 at 9:09 am

I’m pretty sure most of the relevant journals are in SSCI– I’ve definitely seen a ranking that includes PPA and JPP. I can’t get into isiknowledge from home but will e-mail you a list from school.

I have to admit that I think PPA is in a strange position. Before it went to double-blind, it had massive citation counts because it so overtly published the big names of the old PPA Oxford-Harvard-New York crowd. Seems to me that if you’re using quantitative measures you should therefore discount everything published before, what, 2002 or so (since it would be a “C” journal under the rules). And I’d be very surprised if its post-2002 incarnation had the same kind of citation patterns.

So, excepting PPA, for purposes of people in poli sci departments, and using the stated rules as to what separates out the categories (I think two is too few categories for double-blind journals, and– thinking of pre-2002 PPA, for example– am not sure that all non-double-blind venues should be counted at half or a quarter of any double-blind venues):

A. Ethics, Political Theory, Journal of Political Philosophy, History of Political Thought, APSR

Review of Politics might be a close call between A and B. Ditto Political Studies, for Americans. (In the UK it would be A.)

B. Polity, Politics Philosophy and Economics, European Journal of Political Theory, CRISPP, Contemporary Political Theory, JOP, AJPS, Journal of Applied Philosophy [though AJPS just will be counted higher in American poli sci deparments, as it’s the 2nd-ranked overall journal in the discipline]

C. Nomos, Social Philosophy and Policy, Constellations, Social Research, Social Theory and Practice


Tom Donahue 11.10.06 at 10:27 am

Hi, Ingrid. I think it’s false that political theorists would not so much be thrilled to have a paper accepted by the Journal of Philosophy. For that acceptance would guarantee them an audience among philosophers, and political theory is a field with a shortage of guaranteed audiences.

That’s why political theorists who aren’t philosophers, like William Riker, Charles Beitz, and Bruce Ackerman, have published in the Journal of Philosophy. Witness:

William Riker, “Events and Situations,” Journal of Philosophy 54 (1957): 57-70

William Riker, “Causes of Events,” Journal of Philosophy 55 (1958): 281-291

Charles R. Beitz, “Cosmopolitan Ideals and National Sentiment,” Journal of Philosophy 80 (1983): 591-600

Bruce Ackerman, “Why Dialogue?” Journal of Philosophy 86 (1989): 5-22

Bruce Ackerman, “Political Liberalisms,” Journal of Philosophy 91 (1994): 364-386

Bruce Ackerman, “Temporal Horizons of Justice,” Journal of Philosophy 94 (1997): 299-317

Jacob, I checked the Impact Factors for Philosophy and Public Affairs in the years SSCI has available. They are:

2005: 1.241

2004: 1.133

2003: 0.375

2002: 0.607

2001: 1.042

2000: 1.120

1999: 1.600

1998: 1.957

Since PPA now follows double-blind review, it seems that in the last couple of years it qualifies as an A journal in Ingrid’s sense.

I also checked the Impact Factors in 2005 and 2004 for Ethics, Political Theory, and the Journal of Political Philosophy. None of them was 1 or higher. So an Impact Factor of 1 may be setting the bar too high. 0.65 would probably be more apt. And even that would exclude Political Theory, which hovers around 0.45.


Jacob T. Levy 11.10.06 at 10:57 am

Re: PPA: Hm, another beautiful theory ruined by facts!

Re: PT– see, then things get strange. Compared to Ethics, PPA, and JPP, PT is a more-exclusively political-theory-not-philosophy journal. But it’s the flagship such journal. Its articles may get cited less often because (# political theorists)


Tom Hurka 11.10.06 at 11:08 am

If the JIF is calculated using citations to only the last two years’ articles in a given journal, as Ingrid says, then it’s not very appropriate to political theory, philosophy, or the humanities more generally. Given the amount of time it takes to write something up that cites a published article, then get it accepted and in print, I would think most humanities citations are of pieces published more than two years before. The sciences may cite a lot within two years, but we don’t.

And yes, P&PA (aka The Journal of Rawlsian Studies) was pretty hilarious pre-2002, or pre-whenever Chuck Beitz became main editor. On the one hand all these earnest articles about justice, fairness, and treating people as equals; on the other a selection process that transparently allowed abuse, e.g. non-blind review of papers by the journal’s own editors. Which isn’t to deny that P&PA published lots of great articles then, including, a little contra Jacob, a certain number by non-big names. But it’s a lot better, procedurally, now.


Jon Quong 11.10.06 at 11:14 am

One journal that hasn’t been mentioned is the British Journal of Political Science. In the UK at least I think it would be in the A category.


ingrid 11.10.06 at 11:43 am

Thanks tom donahue, you are right. Journal impact factor of 1 or more is in fact proposed in at least one Dutch research institute that I know, which includes political scientists (including theorists) and other social scientists. On the one hand, it excludes important journals (such as Ethics), on the other hand, it includes journals that should be ranked lower, such as New Left Review.

I entirely agree with Tom Hurka’s point; in fact, I think the whole idea of measuring quality through citations is very problematic for all sorts of reasons — but that would require another post. Reality is that some political theorists are forced to work under such a system, and it would be good, for their sake, to debate which journals they should defend for being included, and what arguments they could give. The alternative is of course to start from an entirely different criterion than JIFs (perhaps an international survey ?)


Thom Brooks 11.10.06 at 12:51 pm

The journal Political Theory really has been dreadful of late. I wouldn’t consider it a flagship journal anymore.

Jon Quong is quite right to say many political theorists think highly of the British Journal of Political Science, although I suspect this is true only amongst British political theorists.

One does find the occasional good political theory article in Journal of Politics and American Journal of Political Science (not mentioned thus far), although these seem exlcusively devoted to the history of political theory.

I take Ingrid’s point: it is important for political theorists to have a sense of which journals are best for many reasons, although I fear these journals will vary with the theorist. Those who do history will rate some, not others. Those who do not will have a different list. Those of us who dabble in both will have an eclectic list…and even more so if interests range into metaethics and legal philosophy. Tricky business, beginning to end!


Tom Donahue 11.10.06 at 12:55 pm

I think surveying political theorists on which journals they deem most important would be an excellent idea.

James Garand has published a couple of papers with data that bear on this. He and a colleague surveyed 565 political scientists to find out which political science journals they thought published the most articles of high quality. They broke the respondents down by subfield, so you can see how political theorists responded. But as I recall, the response rate from political theorists was quite low, so it’s probable that the data are unrepresentative.

The recent paper is here (PDF):

The older paper is here (PDF):

In the recent paper, Garand finds that his surveyed political theorists give the following political science journals the following ranking on Journal Evaluation + (Journal Evaluation * Journal Familiarity):

1. Political Theory
2. American Political Science Review
3. Journal of Politics
4. Polity
5. History of Political Thought
6. American Sociological Review (!)
7. Review of Politics
8. PS: Political Science and Politics (!)
9. British Journal of Political Science
10. American Journal of Political Science

with 10 more journals ranked down to 20. (The ranking only includes political science journals, so Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs, Journal of Political Philosophy, Politics Philosophy and Economics, CRISPP, and the like are all excluded. So is Political Studies).

It would be interesting to see the results of a similar survey of political-science political theorists and political, legal, and social philosophers.


Tom Hurka 11.10.06 at 12:56 pm

Well, the JIFs on the Web of Science website may use citations from only two years back, but it’s not hard to get different ones if you’re a little computer-savvy. At my old university they did citation analyses (by university rather than for journals, but it could easily be done for journals) in 20-, 10- and 5-year spans by performing their own operations on the Web of Science database. So you could calculate journal impact factors over any number of years. I actually think citation counts have some merit — are the objections to them any weightier than the objections to other possible methods of evaluation? But you do have to construct them properly, and a two-year timespan isn’t proper.


Tom Donahue 11.10.06 at 12:57 pm

I apologize for the bad links. You’ll have to paste in the whole URL as given.


jayann 11.10.06 at 12:59 pm

Ingrid, I didn’t know that but assumed a willingness to take the AHCI into account (if you like, to construct another index) — also to take into account the time factor mentioned in comment 9.0

Actually I’m really pretty averse to this kind of exercise — creating necessarily imperfect measures as rods to beat up academics (in the UK, anyway) — but thought I’d mention the AHCI following an incident when the SSCI only was used, thus downplaying the contribution of political philosophers (of whom I am not one). Still it it has to be done, best to do it as well and fairly as possible.

Incidentally, why

“and for Universities not necessarily belonging to the Ivy league”



loren 11.10.06 at 2:08 pm

thom: “One does find the occasional good political theory article in Journal of Politics and American Journal of Political Science (not mentioned thus far), although these seem exlcusively devoted to the history of political theory.”

Very minor quibbles:

AJPS actually is in Jacob’s B list, and while both AJPS and JOP do lean heavily historical for theory, the focus isn’t literally exclusive (examples: Steinberger on obligation and duties in JOP 2002, and a neat experimental study of Rawlsian ideas in distribution experiments in AJPS 2003).

On the flagship status of Political Theory: in an old thread at one of the polsci gossip rags, someone described PT as, at its best, an ecumenical journal. The ecumenical character would be revealed, I suppose, through a rough balance in publishing stuff that’s interesting in analytic/philosophical, historical/interpretive, and critical/postmodern circles, as well as the odd paper that transgresses (ack) those contested (arggh) boundaries.

Along those lines, my personal gauge has been that, if I find in a given issue at least one engaging article and also at least one piece that I think is confusing and misguided methodologically, then the journal is probably doing its job. If I simply cannot find anything of interest to me in an issue, then I grumble. (I suspect we will continue to see durable correlations with respect to which camps grumble more during respective editorial regimes! My stance: grumbling about PT ought to exhibit ergodicity).


Ben 11.10.06 at 2:50 pm

There’s some other discussion here:

Though sadly perhaps a lengthy, if not so productive, debate between political theory and philosophy got deleted.


Ingrid Robeyns 11.10.06 at 3:00 pm

I added the qualifier
“and for Universities not necessarily belonging to the Ivy league”

since in many universities outside the Ivy league, the university management aspires to be research universities, but the staff don’t have the necessary resources: they have to spend too much time teaching, and there are very limited funds for attending international conferences and workshop, which I think is at the very least very helpful (and perhaps even necessary) if one wants to produce first rate research. In such universities, even if faculty are very smart and work hard, it is extremely unlikely that they will ever publish in Ethics or PPA. Moreover, there is the language barrier – on which I’ll promise I’ll write another day, since I think this is a big issue outside the anglophone countries. So if you put the threshold too high, basically no-one will meet the requirements that the research assessment poses (since most of the time these assessments are with the aim of promoting people, or not taking their research time away, or giving them a sabbatical, or membership of a research group, or something similar. For these purposes, a treshold is put, for example (the equivalent of) 3 or 4 A-level publications in 5 years).


John Emerson 11.10.06 at 4:00 pm

One of the reasons why I’m glad that I’m not an academic is that I think that it’s utterly loony to think or hope that intellectual merit can be objectively quantified.

I don’t understand you people. Brian Leiter is a clown, and everyone’s imitating him. No thanks, guys.


Chris Williams 11.10.06 at 5:24 pm

“One of the reasons why I’m glad that I’m not an academic is that I think that it’s utterly loony to think or hope that intellectual merit can be objectively quantified.”

Having spent a chunk of my summer working on a mock RAE exercise, attempting to rate the worth of my colleagues’ work, I agree with this opinion.

NB – pretty much all of my colleagues’ work is very good, and some of it is really amazingly good.


jayann 11.10.06 at 8:02 pm

since in many universities outside the Ivy league, the university management aspires to be research universities, but the staff don’t have the necessary resources:

Yes indeed (it isn’t only an Ivy League/non-Ivy League split, of course). But surely if journals are going to be ranked they should be ranked regardless of that fact, but resource constraints and teaching loads be taken into account when academics are judged. (I think I’m probably against ranking journals in a “article in journal A counts twice as much” manner, for a number of reasons. One is that it can penalise academics who specialise in certain fields.)

The UK RAE is a particularly nasty and stupid thing — glad you said what you did, Chris — and my hostility may have something to do with that.


Thom Brooks 11.11.06 at 8:33 am

I take much from Loren’s points. It is certainly true that AJPS and JoP do not exclusively publish history of political theory. I only meant to insist that they virtually do not publish anything beyond history of political theory: Peter Steinberger’s work on Kant and Hegel in these and similar journals is a case in point.

As for Political Theory, I would imagine it’s position would change drastically if political theorists were ever surveyed again (not withstanding the curiosity of leaving out journals no less pol theory than pol phil, such as Ethics, Philosophy & Public Afairs, etc etc). I suspect that Political Theory‘s more postmodern friendly turn has turned off the vast majority of political theorists and political philosophers. A pity for a journal that was once one of my favourites.


Jacob T. Levy 11.11.06 at 11:50 am

I do think that under Stephen White Political Theory regained a lot of ground and came closer to balance than it had in a while; its reputation from the years before he took over still colors perceptions, but there really was a marked change. It’s too early to judge whether the balance will continue under Mary Dietz, but I’m hopeful.


Russell Arben Fox 11.11.06 at 12:38 pm

Jacob’s right about Stephen White’s tenure at PT; he a great deal of common sense about what would help reflect and thus improve the best qualities of the discipline as a whole, and it showed.


Tom Donahue 11.11.06 at 1:50 pm

It’s always good to have data. Here are all the articles published in Political Theory in the last six years of the Strong editorship (1994-1999), all six years of the White editorship (2000-2005), and the ongoing Dietz editorship.


22, 1, 1994

Gender Inequality and Cultural Differences, pp. 5-24
Susan Moller Okin

Spirited Commonality and Difference
The Judgmental Gaze of European Women: Gender, Sexuality, and the Critique of Republican Rule, pp. 25-44
Michael A. Mosher

“Internal Restlessness”: Individuality and Community in Montesquieu, pp. 45-70
Alan Gilbert

Between Modernity and Postmodernity: Reading Dialectic of Enlightenment against the Grain, pp. 71-97
Christopher Rocco

Labor Regulation and Constitutional Theory in the United States and England, pp. 98-123
Karen Orren

Three Ways to Be a Democrat, pp. 124-151
Ian Shapiro

22, 2, 1994

Social Conflicts as Pillars of Democratic Market Society, pp. 203-218
Albert O. Hirschman

Democracies, Institutions, and Persons
Quality of Life and Quality of Persons: A New Role for Government?, pp. 219-252
Robert E. Lane

Citizen as Erastes: Erotic Imagery and the Idea of Reciprocity in the Periclean Funeral Oration, pp. 253-276
S. Sara Monoson

Aggregation and Deliberation: On the Possibility of Democratic Legitimacy, pp. 277-296
Jack Knight; James Johnson

Promises, Promises: The Abyss of Freedom and the Loss of the Political in the Work of Hannah Arendt, pp. 297-322
Alan Keenan

22, 3, 1994

Athena’s Cloak: Plato’s Critique of the Democratic City in the Republic, pp. 363-390
Bruce Rosenstock

Pragmatism and Liberalism between Dewey and Rorty, pp. 391-413
Richard Shusterman

Responsibility and Integrity
Integrity and Politics: An Alternative Reading of Rousseau, pp. 414-443
Ruth W. Grant

Universal and General Wills: Hegel and Rousseau, pp. 444-467
Arthur Ripstein

Twilight of Modernity: Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Politics, pp. 468-490
Leslie Paul Thiele

22, 4, 1994

Reading Machiavelli: Innocent Gentillet’s Discourse on Method, pp. 539-560
Victoria Kahn

Achilles, Socrates, and Democracy, pp. 561-590
Richard Holway

After the Family Wage: Gender Equity and the Welfare State, pp. 591-618
Nancy Fraser

Fear, Technology, and the State: Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss, and the Revival of Hobbes in Weimar and National Socialist Germany, pp. 619-652
John P. McCormick

23, 1, 1995

The Pariah and Her Shadow: Hannah Arendt’s Biography of Rahel Varnhagen, pp. 5-24
Seyla Benhabib

The Political Logic of Economics and the Economic Logic of Modernity in Max Weber, pp. 25-47
Peter Breiner

Self-Interest Rightly Understood, pp. 48-66
Harvey C. Mansfield

Justice and Difference
Justice toward Groups: Political Not Juridical, pp. 67-91
Melissa S. Williams

John Rawls, Mikhail Bakhtin, and the Praxis of Toleration, pp. 101-127
Brian Walker

Nathaniel Hawthorne and Conservatism’s “Night of Ambiguity”, pp. 128-146
Jonathan Mendilow

23, 2, 1995

Citizenship and Exclusion: Radical Democracy, Community, and Justice. Or, What is Wrong with Communitarianism?, pp. 211-246
Veit Bader

Public Reason and Cultural Pluralism: Political Liberalism and the Problem of Moral Conflict, pp. 253-279
James Bohman

The near Made Far Away: The Role of Cultural Criticism in Aristotle’s Political Theory, pp. 280-303
Gerald Mara

“Know Thyself”: Socratic Companionship and Platonic Community, pp. 304-329
Dan Avnon

Political Action and the Unconscious: Arendt and Lacan on Decentering the Subject, pp. 330-352
Frederick M. Dolan

Hobbes’s Biblical Beasts: Leviathan and Behemoth, pp. 353-375
Patricia Springborg

23, 3, 1995

Platonic Politics and the Good, pp. 411-424
C. D. C. Reeve

A Questioning of Justice: Kierkegaard, the Postmodern Critique and Political Theory, pp. 425-451
Elsebet Jegstrup

“Our Complicated System”: James Madison on Power and Liberty, pp. 452-475
James H. Read

Upward Contempt, pp. 476-499
William Ian Miller

23, 4, 1995

The Wisdom of the Multitude: Some Reflections on Book 3, Chapter 11 of Aristotle’s Politics, pp. 563-584
Jeremy Waldron

Sexual Performance as Political Performance in the Lettre a M. D’Alembert sur les Spectacles, pp. 585-616
Elizabeth Wingrove

Wollstonecraft as a Critic of Burke, pp. 617-634
David Bromwich

24, 1, 1996

Liberal versus Civic, Republican, Democratic, and Other Vocational Educations: Liberalism and Institutionalized Education, pp. 4-32
Richard E. Flathman

From Multiculturalism to Nationalism, pp. 33-45
Pierre Birnbaum; Tracy B. Strong

Toward a Feminist Theory of Freedom, pp. 46-67
Nancy J. Hirschmann

Political Consequences of Pragmatism, pp. 68-96
Jack Knight; James Johnson

24, 2, 1996

A Moderate Communitarian Proposal, pp. 155-171
Amitai Etzioni

Who is Cephalus?, pp. 172-199
Peter J. Steinberger

Locke on Toleration: The Transformation of Constraint, pp. 200-240
Ingrid Creppell

What Should We Expect from More Democracy?: Radically Democratic Responses to Politics, pp. 241-270
Mark E. Warren

Becoming an Evil Society: The Self and Strangers, pp. 271-294
Laurence Thomas

American Political Culture, Prophetic Narration, and Toni Morrison’s Beloved, pp. 295-314
George Shulman

24, 3, 1996

Justice, Impartiality, and Equality: Why the Concept of Justice Does Not Presume Equality, pp. 375-393
John Kane

Allegiance and Jurisdiction in Locke’s Doctrine of Tacit Consent, pp. 407-422
Julian H. Franklin

The Reasonableness of John Locke’s Majority: Property Rights, Consent, and Resistance in the Second Treatise, pp. 423-463
Jacqueline Stevens

Containing Indeterminacy: Problems of Representation and Determination in Marx and Althusser, pp. 464-492
William Corlett

On Being Ethical without Moral Sadism: Two Readings of Augustine and the Beginnings of the Anabaptist Revolution, pp. 493-517
Thomas Heilke

From Politics to Paralysis: Critical Intellectuals Answer the National Question, pp. 518-537
Joan Cocks

24, 4, 1996

Elements of Democratic Justice, pp. 579-619
Ian Shapiro

Politics and Coercion, pp. 620-652
E. A. Goerner; Walter J. Thompson

“How is It, Then, That We Still Remain Barbarians?”: Foucault, Schiller, and the Aestheticization of Ethics, pp. 653-672
Jane Bennett

“Public Man” and the Critique of Masculinities, pp. 673-686
Terrell Carver

Maxims, “Practical Wisdom,” and the Language of Action: Beyond Grand Theory, pp. 687-705
Ray Nichols

25, 1, 1997

A Communitarian Critique of Authoritarianism: The Case of Singapore, pp. 6-32
Daniel A. Bell

The Politics of Nonidentity: Adorno, Postmodernism-And Edward Said, pp. 33-56
Fred Dallmayr

Toward a Politics of Darkness: Individuality and Its Politics in Adorno’s Aesthetics, pp. 57-92
Morton Schoolman

Autonomy and Authority in Kant’s Rechtslehre, pp. 93-111
Kevin E. Dodson

Ruth, the Model Emigree: Mourning and the Symbolic Politics of Immigration, pp. 112-136
Bonnie Honig

25, 2, 1997

Promising, Consent, and Citizenship: Rawls and Cavell on Morality and Politics, pp. 171-192
Stephen Mulhall

Putnam and Cavell on the Ethics of Democracy, pp. 193-214
Richard Shusterman

Equality, Autonomy, and Cultural Rights, pp. 215-248
Geoffrey Brahm Levey

The Spread of Aristotle’s Political Theory in China, pp. 249-257
Michael C. Mi

Authenticity and Autonomy: Taylor, Habermas, and the Politics of Recognition, pp. 258-288
Maeve Cooke

25, 3, 1997

Making Exceptions: Some Remarks on the Concept of Coup d’etat and Its History, pp. 323-346
Jens Bartelson

Against Deliberation, pp. 347-376
Lynn M. Sanders

On Norberto Bobbio’s Theory of Democracy, pp. 377-400
Corina Yturbe

25, 4, 1997

Limousine Liberals, Welfare Conservatives: On Belief, Interest, and Inconsistency in Democratic Discourse, pp. 475-501
Andrew Stark

Weak Ontology and Liberal Political Reflection, pp. 502-523
Stephen K. White

Autonomy and Republicanism: Immanuel Kant’s Philosophy of Freedom, pp. 524-558
Heiner Bielefeldt

Communication, Criticism, and the Postmodern Consensus: An Unfashionable Interpretation of Michel Foucault, pp. 559-583
James Johnson

25, 5, 1997

Hobbes and the Foole, pp. 620-654
Kinch Hoekstra

Metaphysical Liberalism in Heidegger’s Beitrage zur Philosophie, pp. 655-679
Richard Polt

Erotic “Remedy” Prints and the Fall of the Aristocracy in Eighteenth-Century France, pp. 680-715
Mary L. Bellhouse

25, 6, 1997

The Cultural Conditions of Transnational Citizenship: On the Interpenetration of Political and Ethnic Cultures, pp. 771-813
Veit Bader

Simian Sovereignty, pp. 821-849
Robert E. Goodin; Carole Pateman; Roy Pateman

Banana Republic: A Response to Goodin, Pateman, and Pateman, pp. 850-854
John Seery

26, 1, 1998

Cabbage Heads and Gulps of Water: Hegel on the Terror, pp. 4-32
James Schmidt

Contextualizing Hegel’s Phenomenology of the French Revolution and the Terror, pp. 33-55
Robert Wokler

Transformative Constitutionalism and the Case of Religion: Defending the Moderate Hegemony of Liberalism, pp. 56-80
Stephen Macedo

26, 2, 1998

The Philosopher versus the Citizen: Arendt, Strauss, and Socrates, pp. 147-172
Dana R. Villa

Adam Ferguson Returns: Liberalism through a Glass, Darkly, pp. 173-197
Andreas Kalyvas; Ira Katznelson

Locke on King’s Prerogative, pp. 198-208
Pasquale Pasquino

Cultivated Conflicts, pp. 209-220
Helmut Dubiel

26, 3, 1998

David Easton: Reflections on an American Scholar, pp. 267-280
Tracy B. Strong

David Easton’s Postmodern Images, pp. 281-316
Henrik P. Bang

The Nature of Inequality: Uncovering the Modern in Leo Strauss’s Idealist Ethics, pp. 317-345
Robb A. McDaniel

“A Most Disagreeable Mirror”: Race Consciousness as Double Consciousness, pp. 346-369
Lawrie Balfour

From the Periphery of Modernity: Antonio Gramsci’s Theory of Subordination and Hegemony, pp. 370-391
Nadia Urbinati

26, 4, 1998

Doing without Knowing: Feminism’s Politics of the Ordinary, pp. 435-458
Linda M. G. Zerilli

Totalitarianism as a Problem for the Modern Conception of Politics, pp. 459-488
Michael Halberstam

Remembering Pericles: The Political and Theoretical Import of Plato’s Menexenus, pp. 489-513
S. Sara Monoson

Hegel on Justified Disobedience, pp. 514-535
Mark Tunick

26, 5, 1998

On Esotericism: Heidegger and/or Cassirer at Davos, pp. 603-651
Geoffrey Waite

Time in Zionism: The Life and Afterlife of a Temporal Revolution, pp. 652-685
Eyal Chowers

Liberalism and Multiculturalism: The Politics of Indifference, pp. 686-699
Chandran Kukathas

Forgiveness and Politics: Dirty Hands and Imperfect Procedures, pp. 700-724
Peter Digeser

26, 6, 1998

Democracy as Reflexive Cooperation: John Dewey and the Theory of Democracy Today, pp. 763-783
Axel Honneth; John M. M. Farrell

Democracy and Distribution: Aristotle on Just Desert, pp. 784-802
Jill Frank

Metaphysics in the Dark: A Response to Richard Rorty and Ernesto Laclau, pp. 803-817
Simon Critchley

27, 1, 1999

Evolutionary Narratives and Ecological Ethics, pp. 6-38
Leslie Paul Thiele

Political Oratory and Conversation: Cicero versus Deliberative Democracy, pp. 39-64
Gary Remer

Foucault and Critique: Deploying Agency against Autonomy, pp. 65-84
Mark Bevir

Composing the Moral Senses: Emerson and the Politics of Character in Nineteenth-Century America, pp. 85-120
Thomas Augst

27, 2, 1999

Another Justice, pp. 155-175
Michael Dillon

Citizenship and Norms of Publicity: Wide Public Reason in Cosmopolitan Societies, pp. 176-202
James Bohman

Politics, Nature, and Necessity: Were Aristotle’s Slaves Feeble Minded?, pp. 203-224
C. F. Goodey

27, 3, 1999

The Force of Freedom: Rousseau on Forcing to Be Free, pp. 299-333
Steven G. Affeldt

Toward a Democratic Rule of Law: East and West, pp. 334-356
Stephen L. Esquith

Using Legal Rules in an Indeterminate World: Overcoming the Limitations of Jurisprudence, pp. 357-378
Benjamin Gregg

27, 4, 1999

Thucydides on Human Nature, pp. 435-446
C. D. C. Reeve

East Meets West-Jan Patocka and Richard Rorty on Freedom: A Czech Philosopher Brought into Dialogue with American Postmodernism, pp. 447-459
Petr Lom

Castles in the Air: An Essay on Political Foundations, pp. 460-490
John E. Seery

The Architectonic of Michael Walzer’s Theory of Justice, pp. 491-522
Govert Den Hartogh

Max Weber’s Reconceptualization of Freedom, pp. 523-544
Kari Palonen

27, 5, 1999

Cultural Diversity and the Conversation of Justice: Reading Cavell on Political Voice and the Expression of Consent, pp. 579-596
David Owen

Religious Pluralism: Secularism or Priority for Democracy?, pp. 597-633
Veit Bader

Habermas and Religious Inclusion: Lessons from Kant’s Moral Theology, pp. 634-666
Brian J. Shaw
Establishing Toleration, pp. 667-693
Richard H. Dees

27, 6, 1999

The Simpsons: Atomistic Politics and the Nuclear Family, pp. 734-749
Paul A. Cantor

Of Our Favorite Nietzschean Question, pp. 750-768
Jason S. Caro

The Game of the Laws, pp. 769-788
Arthur J. Jacobson

Political Metaphysics: God in Global Capitalism (the Slave, the Masters, Lacan, and the Surplus), pp. 789-839
A. Kiarina Kordela


28, 1, 2000

George Kateb Aestheticism and Morality: Their Cooperation and Hostility, pp. 5-37

Patchen Markell Making Affect Safe for Democracy?: On “Constitutional Patriotism”, pp. 38-63

On Citizenship and Multicultural Vulnerability
Ayelet Shachar

“Western” versus “Islamic” Human Rights Conceptions?: A Critique of Cultural Essentialism in the Discussion on Human Rights, pp. 90-121
Heiner Bielefeldt

28, 2, 2000

Martin Heidegger’s Aristotelian National Socialism, pp. 140-166
Michael Allen Gillespie

Heidegger and the Political, pp. 167-196
Mark Blitz

“In Affirming Them, He Affirms Himself”: Max Weber’s Politics of Civil Society, pp. 197-229
Sung Ho Kim

Analytical Anarchism: Some Conceptual Foundations, pp. 230-253
Alan Carter

Chambery, 12 June 1754: Rousseau’s Writing on Inequality, pp. 254-272
Eli Friedlander

28, 3, 2000

Helvetius: From Radical Enlightenment to Revolution, pp. 307-336
David Wootton

Cartographic Convulsions: Public and Private Reconsidered, pp. 337-354
Diana Coole

Constructing Inequality: City Spaces and the Architecture of Citizenship, pp. 355-376
Susan Bickford

Michael Oakeshott and the City of God, pp. 377-398
Glenn Worthington

28, 4, 2000

Rights as Critique and the Critique of Rights: Karl Marx, Wendy Brown, and the Social Function of Rights, pp. 451-468
Kenneth Baynes

Taking Pragmatism Seriously
Five Myths about Pragmatism, Or, against a Second Pragmatic Acquiescence, pp. 480-508
Eric A. MacGilvray

In Defense of Disunity: Pragmatism, Hermeneutics, and the Social Sciences, pp. 509-539
Keith Topper

28, 5, 2000

Speed, Concentric Cultures, and Cosmopolitanism, pp. 596-618
William E. Connolly

Cosmopolitanism and the Circle of Reason, pp. 619-639
Pratap Bhanu Mehta

Rawlsian Global Justice: Beyond the Law of Peoples to a Cosmopolitan Law of Persons, pp. 640-674
Andrew Kuper

28, 6, 2000

What Enlightenment Project?, pp. 734-757
James Schmidt

Representation as Advocacy: A Study of Democratic Deliberation, pp. 758-786
Nadia Urbinati

Leo Strauss’s Platonic Liberalism, pp. 787-809
Steven B. Smith

29, 1, 2001

Hobbes, Romance, and the Contract of Mimesis, pp. 4-29
Victoria Kahn

Faking It: Hobbes’s Thinking-Bodies and the Ethics of Dissimulation, pp. 30-57
Samantha Frost

Historical Rights: The Evaluation of Nationalist Claims to Sovereignty, pp. 58-79
Chaim Gans

29, 2, 2001

Thoreau on Democratic Cultivation, pp. 155-189
Brian Walker

Notes on the State of America: Jeffersonian Democracy and the Production of a National Past, pp. 190-216
Catherine A. Holland

Friends, Compatriots, and Special Political Obligations, pp. 217-236
Christopher Heath Wellman

Michael Walzer, Industrial Democracy, and Complex Equality, pp. 237-261
Robert Mayer
Stable URL: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0090-5917%28200104%2929%3A2%3C237%3AMWIDAC%3E2.0.CO%3B2-9
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29, 3, 2001

Partial Justice, pp. 315-336
Sharon Krause

The Place of Negative Morality in Political Theory, pp. 337-363
Jonathan Allen

Justifying a Conception of the Good Life: The Problem of the 1844 Marx, pp. 364-394
Daniel Brudney

Derrida on Law; Or, Poststructuralism Gets Serious, pp. 395-423
John P. McCormick

29, 4, 2001

Traditio: Feminists of Color and the Torn Virtues of Democratic Engagement, pp. 488-516
Romand Coles

Popular Sovereignty and Nationalism, pp. 517-536
Bernard Yack

Hugo Grotius: Property and Consent, pp. 537-555
John Salter

Banishing the Particular: Rousseau on Rhetoric, Patrie, and the Passions, pp. 556-582
Arash Abizadeh

29, 5, 2001

Publicity’s Secret, pp. 624-650
Jodi Dean

Legitimacy and Economy in Deliberative Democracy, pp. 651-669
John S. Dryzek

Activist Challenges to Deliberative Democracy, pp. 670-690
Iris Marion Young

Political Theory and Language Policy, pp. 691-715
Alan Patten

The Culture(s) of the Republic: Nationalism and Multiculturalism in French Republican Thought, pp. 716-735
Cécile Laborde

29, 6, 2001

Constitutional Democracy: A Paradoxical Union of Contradictory Principles?, pp. 766-781
Jürgen Habermas; William Rehg

Of Boats and Principles: Reflections on Habermas’s “Constitutional Democracy”, pp. 782-791
Alessandro Ferrara

Dead Rights, Live Futures: A Reply to Habermas’s “Constitutional Democracy”, pp. 792-805
Bonnie Honig

Oakeshott’s Hobbes and the Fear of Political Rationalism, pp. 806-832
Ted H. Miller

Bad Civil Society, pp. 837-865
Simone Chambers; Jeffrey Kopstein
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30, 1, 2002

Killing (For) Politics: Jihad, Martyrdom, and Political Action, pp. 4-35
Roxanne L. Euben

Beyond Choice: Rethinking the Post-Rawlsian Debate over Egalitarian Justice, pp. 36-67
Andrew Stark

Defending Cultural Pluralism: Within Liberal Limits, pp. 68-96
Jonathan Riley

Special Section: Some Distance from Greece: Rethinking Arendt
Arendt against Athens: Rereading the Human Condition, pp. 97-123
Roy T. Tsao

Hannah Arendt and Roman Political Thought: The Practice of Theory, pp. 124-149
Dean Hammer

30, 2, 2002

Construing Disagreement: Consensus and Invective in “Constitutional” Debate, pp. 175-203
Gary Shiffman

Is Liberalism “All We Need”?: Lévinas’s Politics of Surplus, pp. 204-227
Annabel Herzog

Václav Havel and the Political Uses of Tragedy, pp. 228-258
Robert Pirro

What Is the Politics of Difference?, pp. 259-281
Adam James Tebble

30, 3, 2002

Liberalism and Its Discontents, pp. 320-338
Raymond Geuss

Keeping Republican Freedom Simple: On a Difference with Quentin Skinner, pp. 339-356
Philip Pettit

Attaining Rogers Smith’s Civic Ideals, pp. 357-383
David J. Lorenzo

Whiteness and the Participation-Inclusion Dilemma, pp. 384-409
Joel Olson

Redistribution, Recognition, and the State: The Irreducibly Political Dimension of Injustice, pp. 410-440
Leonard C. Feldman

30, 4, 2002

Special Issue, “What Is Political Theory?” with all invited essays

30, 5, 2002

Vergangenheitsbewältigung in the USA: On the Politics of the Memory of Slavery, pp. 623-648
Thomas McCarthy

The Physiology of the Citizen: The Present-Centered Body and Its Political Exile, pp. 649-676
Eyal Chowers

What Can Democratic Participation Mean Today?, pp. 677-701
Mark E. Warren

The Uncertain Inevitability of Decline in Montesquieu, pp. 702-727
Sharon R. Krause

30, 6, 2002

How to Deserve, pp. 774-799
David Schmidtz

Using Wittgenstein Critically: A Political Approach to Philosophy, pp. 800-827
Gaile Pohlhaus; John R. Wright

Political Revisions: Stanley Cavell and Political Philosophy, pp. 828-851
Andrew Norris

31, 1, 2003

Patchen Markell
Tragic Recognition: Action and Identity in Antigone and Aristotle
Political Theory 2003 31: 6-38. [PDF]

Kateri Carmola
Noble Lying: Justice and Intergenerational Tension in Plato’s Republic
Political Theory 2003 31: 39-62. [PDF]
J. Peter Euben
Platonic Noise
Political Theory 2003 31: 63-91. [PDF]
David Scott
Culture In Political Theory
Political Theory 2003 31: 92-115. [PDF]

31, 2, 2003

Anthony Pagden
Human Rights, Natural Rights, And Europe’s Imperial Legacy
Political Theory 2003 31: 171-199. [Abstract] [PDF]
Jennifer Pitts
Legislator Of The World? A Rereading of Bentham on Colonies
Political Theory 2003 31: 200-234. [Abstract] [PDF]
Cheryl B. Welch
Colonial Violence And The Rhetoric Of Evasion: Tocqueville on Algeria
Political Theory 2003 31: 235-264. [Abstract] [PDF]
Veit Bader
Religious Diversity And Democratic Institutional Pluralism
Political Theory 2003 31: 265-294. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]

31, 3, 2003

Robert Pippin
The Unavailability of the Ordinary: Strauss on the Philosophical Fate of Modernity
Political Theory 2003 31: 335-358. [Abstract] [PDF]
David Ingram
Between Political Liberalism and Postnational Cosmopolitanism: Toward an Alternative Theory of Human Rights
Political Theory 2003 31: 359-391. [Abstract] [PDF]
Alessandro Ferrara
Two Notions of Humanity and the Judgment Argument for Human Rights
Political Theory 2003 31: 392-420. [Abstract] [PDF]
Fred Dallmayr
Cosmopolitanism: Moral and Political
Political Theory 2003 31: 421-442. [Abstract] [PDF]

31, 4, 2003

Paul Franco
The Shapes of Liberal Thought: Oakeshott, Berlin, and Liberalism
Political Theory 2003 31: 484-507. [Abstract] [PDF]
Maria Dimova-Cookson
A New Scheme of Positive and Negative Freedom: Reconstructing T. H. Green on Freedom
Political Theory 2003 31: 508-532. [Abstract] [PDF]
Jonathan Salem-Wiseman
Heidegger’s Dasein and the Liberal Conception of the Self
Political Theory 2003 31: 533-557. [Abstract] [PDF]
Jacqueline Stevens
On the Morals of Genealogy
Political Theory 2003 31: 558-588. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]

31, 5, 2003
John P. McCormick
Machiavelli Against Republicanism: On the Cambridge School’s “Guicciardinian Moments”
Political Theory 2003 31: 615-643. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]
Cary J. Nederman
Commercial Society and Republican Government in the Latin Middle Ages: The Economic Dimensions of Brunetto Latini’s Republicanism
Political Theory 2003 31: 644-663. [Abstract] [PDF]
Tommie Shelby
Two Conceptions of Black Nationalism: Martin Delany on the Meaning of Black Political Solidarity
Political Theory 2003 31: 664-692. [Abstract] [PDF]
Farid Abdel-Nour
National Responsibility
Political Theory 2003 31: 693-719. [Abstract] [PDF]

31, 6, 2003

James Bohman
Deliberative Toleration
Political Theory 2003 31: 757-779. [Abstract] [PDF]
Monique Deveaux
A Deliberative Approach to Conflicts of Culture
Political Theory 2003 31: 780-807. [Abstract] [PDF]
Sofia Näsström
What Globalization Overshadows
Political Theory 2003 31: 808-834. [Abstract] [PDF]

32, 1, 2004

James Farr
Social Capital: A Conceptual History
Political Theory 2004 32: 6-33. [Abstract] [PDF]
Emily Hauptmann
A Local History of “The Political”
Political Theory 2004 32: 34-60. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]
Hans von Rautenfeld
Charitable Interpretations: Emerson, Rawls, and Cavell on the Use of Public Reason
Political Theory 2004 32: 61-84. [Abstract] [PDF]
Jason A. Scorza
Liberal Citizenship and Civic Friendship
Political Theory 2004 32: 85-108. [Abstract] [PDF]

32, 2, 2004

C. Fred Alford
Levinas and Political Theory
Political Theory 2004 32: 146-171. [Abstract] [PDF]
Simon Critchley
Five Problems in Levinas’s View of Politics and the Sketch of a Solution to them
Political Theory 2004 32: 172-185. [Abstract] [PDF]
Mary P. Nichols
Socrates’ Contest with the Poets in Plato’s Symposium
Political Theory 2004 32: 186-206. [Abstract] [PDF]
Colin Bird
Status, Identity, and Respect
Political Theory 2004 32: 207-232. [Abstract] [PDF]

32, 3, 2004

David A. Reidy
Rawls on International Justice: A Defense
Political Theory 2004 32: 291-319. [Abstract] [PDF]
Andreas Kalyvas
From the Act to the Decision: Hannah Arendt and the Question of Decisionism
Political Theory 2004 32: 320-346. [Abstract] [PDF]
Jane Bennett
The Force of Things: Steps toward an Ecology of Matter
Political Theory 2004 32: 347-372. [Abstract] [PDF]
Kennan Ferguson
I My Dog
Political Theory 2004 32: 373-395. [Abstract] [PDF]

32, 4, 2004

Paul Nieuwenburg
Learning to Deliberate: Aristotle on Truthfulness and Public Deliberation
Political Theory 2004 32: 449-467. [Abstract] [PDF]
Christina Tarnopolsky
Prudes, Perverts, and Tyrants: Plato and the Contemporary Politics of Shame
Political Theory 2004 32: 468-494. [Abstract] [PDF]
Alex Zakaras
Isaiah Berlin’s Cosmopolitan Ethics
Political Theory 2004 32: 495-518. [Abstract] [PDF]
Richard Boyd
Pity’s Pathologies Portrayed: Rousseau and the Limits of Democratic Compassion
Political Theory 2004 32: 519-546. [Abstract] [PDF]

32, 5, 2004

David Armitage
John Locke, Carolina, and the Two Treatises of Government
Political Theory 2004 32: 602-627. [Abstract] [PDF]
Sharon R. Krause
Hume and the (False) Luster of Justice
Political Theory 2004 32: 628-655. [Abstract] [PDF]
John Zumbrunnen
Elite Domination and the Clever Citizen: Aristophanes’ Archarnians and Knights
Political Theory 2004 32: 656-677. [Abstract] [PDF]
Romand Coles
Moving Democracy: Industrial Areas Foundation Social Movements and the Political Arts of Listening, Traveling, and Tabling
Political Theory 2004 32: 678-705. [Abstract] [PDF]

32, 6, 2004

Thomas McCarthy
Coming to Terms with Our Past, Part II: On the Morality and Politics of Reparations for Slavery
Political Theory 2004 32: 750-772. [Abstract] [PDF]
Laura Janara
Brothers and Others: Tocqueville and Beaumont, U.S. Genealogy, Democracy, and Racism
Political Theory 2004 32: 773-800. [Abstract] [PDF]
George Klosko
Multiple Principles of Political Obligation
Political Theory 2004 32: 801-824. [Abstract] [PDF]
Davide Panagia
The Force of Political Argument
Political Theory 2004 32: 825-848. [Abstract] [PDF]

33, 1, 2005

Steven B. Smith
What Kind of Democrat was Spinoza?
Political Theory 2005 33: 6-27. [Abstract] [PDF]
Jeff Spinner-Halev
Hinduism, Christianity, and Liberal Religious Toleration
Political Theory 2005 33: 28-57. [Abstract] [PDF]
Eric Nelson
Liberty: One or Two Concepts Liberty: One Concept Too Many?
Political Theory 2005 33: 58-78. [Abstract] [PDF]
John Christman
Saving Positive Freedom
Political Theory 2005 33: 79-88. [Abstract] [PDF]

33, 2, 2005

Linda M. G. Zerilli
“We Feel Our Freedom”: Imagination and Judgment in the Thought of Hannah Arendt
Political Theory 2005 33: 158-188. [Abstract] [PDF]
Fonna Forman-Barzilai
Sympathy in Space(s): Adam Smith on Proximity
Political Theory 2005 33: 189-217. [Abstract] [PDF]
John S. Dryzek
Deliberative Democracy in Divided Societies: Alternatives to Agonism and Analgesia
Political Theory 2005 33: 218-242. [Abstract] [PDF]
Jiwei Ci
Taking the Reasons for Human Rights Seriously
Political Theory 2005 33: 243-265. [Abstract] [PDF]

33, 3, 2005

Nikolas Kompridis
Normativizing Hybridity/Neutralizing Culture
Political Theory 2005 33: 318-343. [Abstract] [PDF]
Elizabeth Wingrove
Getting Intimate with Wollstonecraft: In the Republic of Letters
Political Theory 2005 33: 344-369. [Abstract] [PDF]
Christian F. Rostbøll
Preferences and Paternalism: On Freedom and Deliberative Democracy
Political Theory 2005 33: 370-396. [Abstract] [PDF]
Archon Fung
Deliberation before the Revolution: Toward an Ethics of Deliberative Democracy in an Unjust World
Political Theory 2005 33: 397-419. [Abstract] [PDF]

33, 4, 2005

Jack Turner
Performing Conscience: Thoreau, Political Action, and the Plea for John Brown
Political Theory 2005 33: 448-471. [Abstract] [PDF]
Arlene W. Saxonhouse
Another Antigone: The Emergence of the Female Political Actor in Euripides’ Phoenician Women
Political Theory 2005 33: 472-494. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]
Samantha Frost
Hobbes and the Matter of Self-Consciousness
Political Theory 2005 33: 495-517. [Abstract] [PDF]
Stephen C. Angle
Decent Democratic Centralism
Political Theory 2005 33: 518-546. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]
Brooke A. Ackerly
Is Liberalism the Only Way Toward Democracy?: Confucianism and Democracy
Political Theory 2005 33: 547-576. [Abstract] [PDF]

33, 5, 2005

Robert S. Taylor
Kantian Personal Autonomy
Political Theory 2005 33: 602-628. [Abstract] [PDF]
Loren A. King
The Federal Structure of a Republic of Reasons
Political Theory 2005 33: 629-653. [Abstract] [PDF]
Jason Kosnoski
Artful Discussion: John Dewey’s Classroom as a Model of Deliberative Association
Political Theory 2005 33: 654-677. [Abstract] [PDF]
Micah Schwartzman
The Relevance of Locke’s Religious Arguments for Toleration
Political Theory 2005 33: 678-705. [Abstract] [PDF]

33, 6, 2005

Burke A. Hendrix
Memory in Native American Land Claims
Political Theory 2005 33: 763-785. [Abstract] [PDF]
Lawrie Balfour
Reparations After Identity Politics
Political Theory 2005 33: 786-811. [Abstract] [PDF]
Daniel Brudney
On Noncoercive Establishment
Political Theory 2005 33: 812-839. [Abstract] [PDF]
Mark Button
“A Monkish Kind of Virtue”? For and Against Humility
Political Theory 2005 33: 840-868. [Abstract] [PDF]
William E. Connolly
The Evangelical-Capitalist Resonance Machine
Political Theory 2005 33: 869-886. [Abstract] [PDF]


34, 1, 2006

Simona Forti
The Biopolitics of Souls: Racism, Nazism, and Plato
Political Theory 2006 34: 9-32. [Abstract] [PDF]
Michael L. Frazer
Esotericism Ancient and Modern: Strauss Contra Straussianism on the Art of Political-Philosophical Writing
Political Theory 2006 34: 33-61. [Abstract] [PDF]
Joseph H. Lane, Jr. and Rebecca R. Clark
The Solitary Walker in the Political World: The Paradoxes of Rousseau and Deep Ecology
Political Theory 2006 34: 62-94. [Abstract] [PDF]
Matthew Sharpe
The Aesthetics of Ideology, or ‘The Critique of Ideological Judgment’ in Eagleton and Zizek
Political Theory 2006 34: 95-120. [Abstract] [PDF]

34, 2, 2006

Helen M. Kinsella
Gendering Grotius: Sex and Sex Difference in the Laws of War
Political Theory 2006 34: 161-191. [Abstract] [PDF]
Margaret Kohn and Daniel I. O’Neill
A Tale of Two Indias: Burke and Mill on Empire and Slavery in the West Indies and America
Political Theory 2006 34: 192-228. [Abstract] [PDF]
Aletta J. Norval
Democratic Identification: A Wittgensteinian Approach
Political Theory 2006 34: 229-255. [Abstract] [PDF]

34, 3, 2006

Robert E. Goodin
Liberal Multiculturalism: Protective and Polyglot
Political Theory 2006 34: 289-303. [Abstract] [PDF]
Ranjoo Seodu Herr
In Defense of Nonliberal Nationalism
Political Theory 2006 34: 304-327. [Abstract] [PDF]
Benjamin Straumann
“Ancient Caesarian Lawyers” in a State of Nature: Roman Tradition and Natural Rights in Hugo Grotius’s De iure praedae
Political Theory 2006 34: 328-350. [Abstract] [PDF]

34, 4, 2006

Bernard Yack
Rhetoric and Public Reasoning: An Aristotelian Understanding of Political Deliberation
Political Theory 2006 34: 417-438. [Abstract] [PDF]
Lasse Thomassen
The Inclusion of the Other?: Habermas and the Paradox of Tolerance
Political Theory 2006 34: 439-462. [Abstract] [PDF]
Adam James Tebble
Exclusion for Democracy
Political Theory 2006 34: 463-487. [Abstract] [PDF]

34, 5, 2006

Andrew Sabl
Noble Infirmity: Love of Fame in Hume
Political Theory 2006 34: 542-568. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]
Darren R. Walhof
Friendship, Otherness, and Gadamer’s Politics of Solidarity
Political Theory 2006 34: 569-593. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]
Andrew Knops
Delivering Deliberation’s Emancipatory Potential
Political Theory 2006 34: 594-623. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]

34, 6, 2006

Wendy Brown
American Nightmare: Neoliberalism, Neoconservatism, and De-Democratization
Political Theory 2006 34: 690-714. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]
Mika LaVaque-Manty
Dueling for Equality: Masculine Honor and the Modern Politics of Dignity
Political Theory 2006 34: 715-740. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]
Mary L. Bellhouse
Candide Shoots the Monkey Lovers: Representing Black Men in Eighteenth-Century French Visual Culture
Political Theory 2006 34: 741-784. [Abstract] [PDF] [References]


ingrid 11.13.06 at 10:22 am

I’m becoming increasingly pessimistic that anything at all that is defensible can be done with these impact factors (whether the ones provided or ones we would construct ourselves, based on the citations in the Web of Knowledge).

I made a list of all journals mentioned in the comments (starting from Jacob Levy’s useful proposal), and checked whether they were at all included in the ISI web of science (I looked at the sciences, social sciencs and arts and humanities citation indexes). I made 4 categories, those that were suggested as A, B, C, and those that were not ranked. Here are the results:

Ethics: 0.804
Political Theory: 0.506
Journal of political philosophy: 0.659
History of Political Thought: is included in the AHCI, but there is no journal citation report available.
PPA: 1.241
Political Studies: 0.575
Review of POlitics: not in ISI
BJPS: 0.785

Polity: here I got the strange result “not in your subscribed Journal Citation Reports editions” — ??
PPE: not in ISI
EJPT: not in ISI
CRISPP: not in ISI
CPT: not in ISI
J of applied philosophy: not in ISI

Social philos and policy: 0.098
STP: not in ISI
Constellations: not in ISI
Social Research: 0.185

Not ranked:
Philosophy and social criticism: not in ISI
Journal of Moral Philosophy: not in ISI
Journal of Politics: 1.239
AJPS: 1.845

I may have made some mistakes, I am not even ruling out that I have not looked in the right place; but if this is roughly the correct result, than I think this should make us very critical about using these citation indexes (even if we would construct an impact factor ourselves by changing the yearspan etc.) for the purpose of research assessment excercises. Many of the journals you/we think are important, are simply not included in the ISI index. If that is true, than it is a real question mark whether inclusion in the ISI should be a necessary conditions for journals that want to count as good quality.


Thom Brooks 11.14.06 at 7:00 am

This is most helpful, Ingrid—thank you. Of course, the importance of ISI indicators is a primary consideration behind the Journal of Moral Philosophy‘s current application to join the ISI. However, as you note, we often don’t have numbers at all for many of the journals political theorists find most important. That is surely worrying.

I think looking for indicators of a journal probably a waste of time. It is best to judge each article on its merits.

Comments on this entry are closed.