iRate, iRrational, iRritating

by John Holbo on September 3, 2004

[Down]load the flying bats!

First get iTunes. Then go to the Apple music store. Scroll down; right under Eric Stoltz’ celebrity playlist is an RNC link, taking you to a bunch of free ‘audiobooks’ of the speeches. (You can also go to music store->audiobooks and get the Dem’s convention speechs. They just aren’t on the front page right now.) Oddly enough, “Bat out of Zell” Miller didn’t make the cut. No speech from him. Hmmm. Maybe they just haven’t gotten it up yet and tomorrow it will be available. (Anyone up for a little iPod ad parody photoshopping of Zell?)



Ted Barlow 09.03.04 at 7:18 pm

I just clicked your first link, the text “load the flying bats”. The first three comments on that post are some of the finest Komments Komedy I’ve ever read, and I heartily encourage all to click through.


Elizabeth 09.04.04 at 6:47 am

Please stop! I can’t take any more of these hackneyed Zell puns; I’m hoarse from groaning.


Joey 09.04.04 at 6:48 am

Here is the Zell Miller speech (iTunes)–

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