Who Was Shakespeare?

by Brian on October 5, 2005

Today sees “yet”:http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/arts/4312110.stm “another”:http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,16825259%255E2703,00.html “round”:http://www.theage.com.au/news/arts/unmasked-the-real-shakespeare/2005/10/05/1128191785837.html of stories about a claim to have discovered the real author of Shakespeare’s plays. Today’s candidate is Sir Henry Neville. A book claiming he is the author is about to be released by Brenda James and William Rubinstein.

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Making Schools Work

by Harry on October 5, 2005

If you live in the US and receive public television you might want to watch Making Schools Work tonight (9-11, 8-10 Central). If you do watch it, and want to use the comments below to comment about it, please go ahead.

Update: Well, I’ll get the ball rolling, if possible (though see comment 1 below, which predates this update).

I was at once impressed by the show and irritated by it. Impressed, because the makers seemed to have gone to real trouble to understand the character of the reforms they were describing, and to present the lived experience of going through those reform. I knew a good deal of what was presented, but by no means all, and learned a lot more than is possible from the kind of study I do.

But irritated for two reasons.

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The Senate is likely to vote on John McCain’s anti-torture amendments tonight. U.S. residents, please call your Senators today and politely encourage them to vote Yes on Senator McCain’s anti-torture amendments, which would codify the existing guidelines and prohibiting cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment.

Human Rights First recommends the following talking points:

– I am calling to urge my Senator to vote YES on Sen. McCain’s amendments tonight.
– These amendments will ensure our troops will get the guidance they desperately need.
– The Senator has a moral and legal obligation to ban cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment.
– These amendments will draw a much-needed line between appropriate interrogation techniques and the horrible abuses I’ve read about in the papers.

Many thanks.

Lecture on blogs

by Henry Farrell on October 5, 2005

Public announcement: I’m giving a lecture on blogs, “Welcome to the Blogosphere: How Blogs are Changing Politics,” next Tuesday (October 11), from 6pm-8pm. The venue is GWU’s Elliott School, Suite 602, 1957 E St. NW, Washington DC. There’ll be a reception afterwards. No RSVPs are necessary; CT readers are especially welcome.

Singularity draft review

by John Q on October 5, 2005

My draft review of Ray Kurzweil’s Singularity is below. Comments much appreciated, and thanks to commenters on earlier posts on this topic.

Update Lots of great comments, thanks. This will improve the final version a lot, and is one of the ways in which blogging works really well for me. Keep ’em coming.

I’ve finally received my copy of Ray Kurzweil’s Singularity, which was posted to me by its American publisher six weeks ago …

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