Fast on the heels of Henry’s post about Tom DeLay’s ‘I am become county sheriff’s office’ incarnation – another report of another powerful legislator managing a yet more abstract transmogrification [transmogrifaction?]: “According to the Associated Press, Alaska’s senior senator was the forefront today of a clash of generations and political philosophy.” Sounds Hegelian.
agm 10.21.05 at 1:36 am
Definitely transmogrification, since the device is the transmogrifier. The other one sounds too much like a petroleum process.
trotstky 10.21.05 at 2:14 am
Sigh. I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with Sen. Tom Coburn about anything — until today.
John Holbo 10.21.05 at 3:15 am
Still, you would say that – as a device – a medusa’s head is a ‘petrifier’. Yet the effect is petrifaction, not petrification. Am I right? Also, for all I know, becoming a forefront – or did he become a ‘forefront today’, i.e. a particular TYPE of today? – IS a petrochemical process.
Hmmm, just did a googlefight. Petrification beats petrifaction, but not utterly decisively: 127,000 to 72,000. Perhaps, then, transmogrifaction can be an accepted alternate spelling.
dearieme 10.21.05 at 3:30 am
That clash sounds like a cymbal of our times.
Hogan 10.21.05 at 9:26 am
GOP leader aufgehoben–film at 11.
ogmb 10.22.05 at 2:30 am
Unscientific poll on the KTVA Anchorage webpage:
Are you for or against the bridges?
For 16 (2%)
Against 688 (98%)
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