“Eric Rauchway”:http://history.ucdavis.edu/people/rauchway, historian at UC Davis, and co-founder of _The Edge of the American West_ is joining Crooked Timber as a blogger. He’s been a guest blogger for us in the past, and is, I suspect, pretty well known to most CT readers. We’re very happy to have him as part of the group.
ben wolfson 10.18.12 at 10:08 pm
Malaclypse 10.18.12 at 10:10 pm
Does this mean that CT now officially endorses Lincoln as second-best?
Colin Danby 10.18.12 at 10:12 pm
It’ll be good to see you over here, Eric. Hope TEotAW is alright.
Eric Rauchway 10.18.12 at 10:38 pm
Hi, everybody!
Jackmormon 10.18.12 at 11:50 pm
bob mcmanus 10.18.12 at 11:58 pm
Hi Eric! I wasn’t going to show, but I thought it might be politic to ask you if you want me commenting in your threads here. This sorta puts the onus on me.
Eric Rauchway 10.19.12 at 12:35 am
It’s a clean slate, bob. Hope. Change.
djw 10.19.12 at 12:38 am
Hurray! An excellent acquisition.
Matt 10.19.12 at 12:53 am
Was this a free-agent signing, or a trade? If the later, was it for prospects, or is one of the regulars moving to Eric’s old place? (I assume that w/ Holbo’s salary and injury history, he’s immovable, but what about the others?)
Ben Alpers 10.19.12 at 1:23 am
Congrats, Eric! CT is beginning to remind me of this.
Bloix 10.19.12 at 1:34 am
Eric, I just wanted to tell you that although I was a history major in college and even managed to get an M.A. (on the way to dropping out of a PhD program), I really did not understand the economic aspects of the Depression at all until I began reading your posts at EotAW, which led to me to buy your informative little book, The Great Depression and the New Deal: A Very Short Introduction — many thanks for the education.
Barry Freed 10.19.12 at 1:46 am
Not only is it an awesome addition in its own right, it’s also a brilliant flanking maneuver in the ongoing CT vs. LG&M blog wars. Comment #8 shows they don’t suspect a thing.
MCO 10.19.12 at 3:22 am
The people (and Lincoln) want ari.
Colin Danby 10.19.12 at 5:45 am
Is SEK a free agent?
LizardBreath 10.19.12 at 11:34 am
May we expect Muppets, or are they barred by a non-compete agreement with EOTAW?
Walt 10.19.12 at 12:14 pm
Let me be the first to say: Your opinions are wrong.
CJColucci 10.19.12 at 3:17 pm
So, is there going to be a sequel to Banana Republican?
John Quiggin 10.19.12 at 11:50 pm
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