Shofar Idol

by Eszter Hargittai on October 3, 2005

Shana Tova!



Matt Weiner 10.04.05 at 12:38 am

Shana Tova L’katevu!

I shouldn’t be blogging now, but this seems like the most opportune place to note that this post is part of a string of (AOTW) eight posts by eight different CTers. Is that a record?


John Quiggin 10.04.05 at 6:29 am

And nine of the CT XV are on the front page right now, which is certainly above average.


Matt Weiner 10.04.05 at 10:00 am

In fact Harry, posting after me, makes it nine different posters in a row. This is reminding me of the end of Bread and Jam for Frances, when she finishes everything on her plate at the same time.


Matt Weiner 10.04.05 at 10:01 am

Pretty sure that should have been L’tikatevu in the first comment. Don’t like to think what I actually said.


Eszter 10.04.05 at 12:53 pm

Matt, I don’t think what you said has any meaning so you’re safe. And hey, perhaps that’s just your own regional accent.:)


Matt Weiner 10.04.05 at 1:03 pm

While I’m threadjacking, I’ll mention that I have a t-shirt from U. of Pittsburgh (“Pitt”) Hillel that reads, right to left, Pay Yod Tav Tav. As I explain, this is supposed to be “Pitt” in Hebrew. Several people have pointed out that in Hebrew this would be pronounced “peetot.” Now I tell people that it’s “Pitt” in Yiddish. I’m pretty sure that that doesn’t work either, but few people know enough to gainsay me.


Harry B 10.04.05 at 3:56 pm

I think there are now 10 of the XV on the front page, which must be a record.


Eszter 10.05.05 at 9:17 am

Matt, I have such a shirt, but supposedly it spells Princeton (or as close as one could get to that I guess). Hmmm.. I wonder what it really says. It’s funny (?) that we (I) tend to take for granted that it says what we’ve been told it says.

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