We at Crooked Timber are very happy to welcome the latest addition to our crew, Tedra Osell. Tedra was one of the pioneers of academic blogging when she founded the much-missed BitchPhD blog back in (I think 2004), and now writes for Inside Higher Education at Mama PhD. Her joining us is the result of a happy coincidence of wants – we were talking about how much the site could benefit from someone like Tedra (in fact, specifically from Tedra herself), just as she was posting about a return to blogging. I won’t try to describe Tedra’s previous work, let alone predict her contributions here, but I’m confident they will be well worth reading.
Ben Alpers 12.05.11 at 10:15 pm
Congrats to both CT and B (though I suppose we won’t be calling Tedra that around here)!
A great blog just got even better.
LizardBreath 12.05.11 at 10:19 pm
Woohoo! Glad to see you here.
Brad DeLong 12.05.11 at 10:28 pm
AcademicLurker 12.05.11 at 10:30 pm
Steve LaBonne 12.05.11 at 10:33 pm
Excellent! I’m looking forward to her contributions.
Ingrid Robeyns 12.05.11 at 10:37 pm
Welcome! Great to have you with us.
Sean Carroll 12.05.11 at 10:40 pm
Barry Freed 12.05.11 at 10:42 pm
What they all said.
Antonio Conselheiro 12.05.11 at 11:00 pm
I cannot but agree with the others.
William Timberman 12.05.11 at 11:05 pm
Doctor Slack 12.05.11 at 11:09 pm
B! Hooray!
Peter Frase 12.05.11 at 11:19 pm
Oh hell yes, Osell will annihilate. I’m liking team CT for the 2012 season.
LFC 12.05.11 at 11:48 pm
A little puzzled b/c the most recent post by T. Osell I could find (at Mama PhD) is dated Feb. ’09. Perhaps I was looking in the wrong place.
Yarrow 12.06.11 at 12:29 am
Tedra Osell 12.06.11 at 12:34 am
LFC is correct; I haven’t blogged at Mama PhD in ages. But I promise to be more reliable here.
And thanks, all; one of the biggest reasons I agreed to join CT was that I missed having regular discursive contact with many of the folks here.
Leslie 12.06.11 at 12:42 am
djw 12.06.11 at 12:43 am
Emma in Sydney 12.06.11 at 12:46 am
Fantastic! I’ve grieved for Bitch PhD for many many months. Maybe we can have some feminist thread smackdown delivered righteously, right here at CT.
Another Damned Medievalist 12.06.11 at 12:58 am
hot damn!
Barry 12.06.11 at 1:03 am
Helen 12.06.11 at 2:31 am
“A great blog just got even better” – Just says it all. BPhD/Tedra, I’ve missed your blog, and this is great news.
jo(e) 12.06.11 at 2:36 am
Witt 12.06.11 at 3:00 am
Most excellent news! So glad to hear it.
Anderson 12.06.11 at 3:07 am
Wow. Just yesterday, I was wishing Bitch Ph.D., Ogged, and Hilzoy were still blogging.
I now regret not having wished for $3 million, but this is really good too.
T. Paine 12.06.11 at 3:33 am
Hurrah! I’ve missed BPhD quite a bit, and I really enjoy CT, so this is fantastic news. Congrats to everyone involved!
Salient 12.06.11 at 3:50 am
Wow, I did not think there could be news on the internet today that would make me happier or more excited than NASA’s announcement about Kepler-22b, but hey, leave it to CT to deliver — even under wildly optimistic conjecture K-22b has maybe a millions-to-one chance of hosting anything awesome, whereas Tedra Osell returning to regular blogging ensures the awesome is guaranteed. Way to one-up the known universe.
Sheesh, next thing I know they’ll announce we’ve verified the presence of liquid water and rocky crust on the surface of a newly discovered Goldilocks-zone planet, and that same day you’ll announce you’ve brought Fafnir and the gang on board for a regular stint. Give the Milky Way a fighting chance!
NBarnes 12.06.11 at 4:05 am
As they say in the hinterlands; WOOO!
David 12.06.11 at 4:06 am
Yeah, awesome.
politicalfootball 12.06.11 at 4:46 am
Woohoo! Most excellent.
Colin Danby 12.06.11 at 5:42 am
Things are looking up.
tomslee 12.06.11 at 6:03 am
Me too.
brandon 12.06.11 at 6:04 am
Excellent plot twist! May there be much enlightening of people and or rhetorical breaking of faces in the very very near future! It is a good day.
Wrye 12.06.11 at 6:11 am
I am so happy. Yay B!
SEK 12.06.11 at 7:20 am
…but only because that means she won’t respond to all the cat videos I post on Facebook.
Walt 12.06.11 at 7:40 am
I’ve heard that Osell is Herzogovinian, thus dooming this blog to mediocrity. Also, she claims to have lived in “Canada”, which suggests that dsquared has lost some sort of behind-the-scenes power struggle. We should see if official Crooked Timber photos have been edited to remove him.
Bijan Parsia 12.06.11 at 7:45 am
Great and welcome news.
Alex 12.06.11 at 10:21 am
Charlie W 12.06.11 at 1:03 pm
Welcome! Great to have you back.
mrearl 12.06.11 at 2:59 pm
I’ve been too long thirsty for a good shot of B. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!
Belle Waring 12.06.11 at 3:41 pm
christian_h 12.06.11 at 4:05 pm
Sumana Harihareswara 12.06.11 at 5:00 pm
OMG this is so so so great. Yay!
JR in WV 12.06.11 at 5:02 pm
I loved Bitch PhD, and will be glad to see that keen wit applied for the benefit of this blog, which I also enjoy, obviously.
You folks keep up the good work!
NBarnes 12.06.11 at 5:25 pm
Wow, how old must PK be now?
ralph 12.06.11 at 6:01 pm
I am simply overjoyed.
dbk 12.06.11 at 6:01 pm
To repeat yet again: a very warm welcome, Tedra!
And kudos to JQ and the rest of the CT team for an impressive addition to a great blog (cf. Danial Davies via Brad DeLong).
washerdreyer 12.06.11 at 6:08 pm
Yes, this is awesome.
sdf (Stu) 12.06.11 at 6:49 pm
Most excellent. Team CT lands the best free agent on the academeblog market. Awesome pairing.
Sister of the B. 12.06.11 at 10:37 pm
Wow Ted, if all these comments don’t make you feel like a million bucks…. I too will be happy to read your snarky, clever and insightful posts!
Tedra Osell 12.07.11 at 1:25 am
NBarnes, PK is eleven. It’s very sad.
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