Something which I should have mentioned previously. Below our main blogroll is a list of academic bloggers, which has been transplanted over from my old blog. This is a fairly non-exclusive list; i.e., if you think that you should be on it, you’re probably right. And not only that, if you email me, and you qualify, I’ll put you on it (you can email one of my fellow bloggers if you prefer, but it may take a bit longer to get you up). The qualifications are fairly straightforward. You should either _a_ have an academic position at a university type institution, or _b_ be a Ph.D. student or equivalent at same. And _c_, you shouldn’t be using your blogs to propagate views that I and/or my fellow bloggers find downright revolting. Which isn’t to say at all that you need to agree with us; conservatives, right-libertarians etc, are all very welcome. But if you’re a racist, or anti-Semitic, or homophobic, or you think that all Jews or Arabs ought to be forcibly expelled, or similar, we would prefer if you continue to practice your right to free speech without a link from us.