More from Tarik Amar on the Ukraine election

by John Q on December 1, 2004

The Ukraine crisis is dragging on, and could still collapse into violence, but I’ll restate my view that the likely outcome is a new runoff election, which Yushchenko will win. He almost certainly had a majority to begin with, and has generally behaved in a statesmanlike manner after the election, while Yanukovich has floundered, and generally looked like the thug he apparently is.

I’m appending another eyewitness report from Tarik Amar, forwarded by Dan Hardie

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International AIDS day

by Chris Bertram on December 1, 2004

I’ve been looking through the headlines on international AIDS day. The BBC discusses “the disproportionate impact on women in Africa”: . “India has 5.1 million people infected with HIV”: , and nobody really knows how many victims there are in China (CNN). “HIV and Aids are expected to kill 16 million farm workers in Southern Africa by 2010” reports the “South African Independent Online”: . In Britain the “Guardian tells us”:,3604,1363277,00.html that a fifth of respondents to a poll blame the victims. In “Lebanon”: , only a quarter of victims receive any kind of treatment. In Uganda “a government minister warns the UN”: not to give advice to gays on safe sex because homosexuality is illegal. Please add more links in comments throughout the day.