One of these things is not like the others

by Brian on July 22, 2003

From the NY Times review of 28 Days Later

bq. ”28 Days Later” is rated R (Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian). It has many scenes of maiming, dismemberment, clubbing, shooting, bayoneting and shoplifting.

Actually it’s not _entirely_ obvious that any shoplifting takes place, but we’d need another law and cinema post to work that out.



Dick Durata 07.22.03 at 6:06 pm

Even implied shoplifting might corrupt the minds of impressionable youth, if no parent is on hand to explain the correct way to shop after Armageddon. But at least there’s no drug use.


Chris Bertram 07.22.03 at 6:13 pm

Surely if there is clubbing, drug use is implied? : )


JNelsonW 07.22.03 at 6:25 pm

Not to totally nerdify the comments, but there actually IS drug use in the film, and by a minor no less.


PG 07.22.03 at 7:05 pm

Are the people who have already seen the movie going to return for the alternative ending?


Kate Nepveu 07.22.03 at 9:14 pm

The NY Times comments on ratings are usually good. I particularly like the one for League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: “It has sexuality, repetitive violence while blurring the lines of heroism, strong language and consumption of fluids that are sometimes alcoholic.”


Jacob 07.23.03 at 12:20 am

Re Kate’s comment, I remember long ago a review in the Washington Post that ended with a warning that a film contained long streches of boredom masquerading as drama.

It also reminds me of a Calvin and Hobbes strip in which they wonder what “adult situations” means and then guess that it’s things like paying taxes.


James Russell 07.23.03 at 2:31 am

This is beautiful. I used to think they came up with good content warnings here (I still giggle at “anti-social violence” and “some smoking by minors”, plus there was a TV documentary prefaced with the warning “contains atrocities that may upset some viewers”… as opposed, perhaps, to atrocities that stimulate them erotically), but the idea that shoplifting is as terrible a thing to witness in a horror film as someone being rendered limb from limb is just transcendent.


Zizka 07.23.03 at 6:09 am

My local newspaper used to run these ratings, which was helpful on nights when you were more in a mood for toilet jokes than nudity.


David Mackinder 07.24.03 at 1:08 am

I agree with Kate’s comment that ‘The NY Times comments on ratings are usually good’; recenty, I particulary enjoyed the one by A. O. Scott for Bad Boys II — ‘”Bad Boys II” is rated R (Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian). One or two scenes do not include graphic violence, drug references, or partial nudity, and there may be a line of dialogue that does not contain profanity.’


Karen 07.25.03 at 2:26 am

Perhaps shoplifting is a natural next step for people who trade mp3s online, decode DVDs or (gasp) get a DVD player from another country to subvert the differential pricing? Of course, that is just one step away from ritual sex with underage lesbian sheep. In bondage gear.

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