You know what Obama’s problem is? He watches movies in the White House. I can’t believe he had the supreme arrogance to not break with the long tradition of Presidents watching movies in the White House. Jerk.
Hey, here’s a fun Flickr set. Old-timey sheet music covers.
Delicious Pundit 05.09.09 at 2:37 pm
That stuff looks like 20s sheet music; I also like the slightly later sheet music where is mentions a movie and/or singer you’ve never heard of, like, “As Sung By Katie Van Cortlandt in Fragrant Was The Lavender!”
Jacob Christensen 05.09.09 at 2:55 pm
Sure, Ronald Reagan would never … oh, wait …
You just saved my Saturday. :-)
And seriously, how would the Secret Service react if the POTUS wanted attend a show in an ordinary (unscreened) cinema with an ordinary (unscreened) audience?
Barry 05.09.09 at 3:25 pm
I’m finding these rants more and more humorous; they’re trying sooooooo hard to replicate the 1990’s, and failing miserably.
Fellow Traveller 05.09.09 at 5:32 pm
Kennedy got Marilyn and Obama (the Nerd President) will settle for the new Trek flick. They right can complain when he makes Klingon the official language of the USA (‘You’ve not understood the Constitution until you’ve read it in the original Klingon’) and compels the population to go about wearing Federation uniforms. And changes by decree the oft used ‘have a nice day’ to ‘live long and prosper’ complete with splayed finger hand gesture.
Oh and has a giant statue of Leonard Nimoy erected next to the Lincoln Memorial.
There’s gotta be some perk to being the President.
Barry Freed 05.09.09 at 6:59 pm
@Fellow Traveller: Of course Obama would never violate the Prime Directive.
engels 05.10.09 at 2:36 am
Well, I do find the fact the Obama watches Star Trek disturbing. Actually, I find the fact that anybody watches Star Trek disturbing.
Righteous Bubba 05.10.09 at 2:39 am
That’s only cuz you’re partial to the guys in red.
Theron 05.10.09 at 3:44 am
I know it was official a very long time ago, but it bears repeating. These people are insane. Stark raving bonkers. And yet they are free to walk the streets unmolested by the authorities. Amazing.
Nich Hills 05.10.09 at 4:07 am
“George [W.] Bush is a fan of the Austin Powers series and has been known to raise his little finger to his lips in imitation of the characters Dr Evil and Mini-Me.”
Thank you
Henry (not the famous one) 05.10.09 at 5:25 am
Patton helped steel Nixon with the certainty that he was the sort of world historical figure who could win the peace by bombing Cambodia. So where will Star Trek lead us?
Edward 05.10.09 at 8:43 pm
I have watched a fair amount of Star Trek, and yet somehow I can’t think of who the titular characters are. Captain Star? Doctor Trek?
Barry 05.10.09 at 9:29 pm
I think that he meant ‘primary’.
Russell Arben Fox 05.10.09 at 10:50 pm
Actually, I find the fact that anybody watches Star Trek disturbing.
Barry 05.11.09 at 1:28 pm
To the Agony Booth with the blasphemer!!!
rea 05.11.09 at 7:00 pm
Did Lewis, Young &Donaldson get sued by the estates of Gilbert & Sullivan for totally ripping off the name of their character?
Pooh-Bah. To ask you what you mean to do we punctually appear.
Ko-Ko. Congratulate me, gentlemen, I’ve found a Volunteer!
All. The Japanese equivalent for Hear, Hear, Hear!
Ko-Ko. (presenting him) ‘Tis Nanki-Poo!
All. Hail, Nanki-Poo!
Ko-Ko. I think he’ll do?
All. Yes, yes, he’ll do!
He yields his life if I’ll Yum-Yum surrender.
Now I adore that girl with passion tender,
And could not yield her with a ready will,
Or her allot,
If I did not
Adore myself with passion tenderer still,
With passion tenderer still!
harold 05.11.09 at 9:48 pm
Titles are not copyrighted
Josh 05.13.09 at 3:04 am
Rea, pure coincidence: the song, you’ll note, is about Nanki Panky Poo; the Mikado’s heir was Nanki Tiberius Poo.
Jon H 05.13.09 at 5:50 pm
Nice job Bush did of redecorating the screening room to look like a Dallas whorehouse.
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